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Breaking News!!!

Nigeria's own sweetheart and TV sensation, Ginika Gentry was found dead on New year's Eve in one of her apartments at Victoria Garden City.

Sources provided that her home had caught fire in the middle of the night, right before the bell had clocked twelve and she'd died on the spot.

Everyone has come out en masse to mourn the lifetime of a legend. She's survived by CHIMDI SERA GENTRY, daughter and, ANTONIA ANTONY, friend. Rest on G, we'll miss you dearly. 

In other News...

International model and the fashion world's highlight of revolutionary fashion, Farouq Waziri has confessed to what really happened three years ago. The 2017 ANTT saga had been all a set-up to rise to fame and he apologized to the involved parties and is deeply remorseful. However, he has in no way, assaulted or harrassed anybody sexually. X, has also retracted her statement and has apologized to him. Farouq has agreed not to take up any charges against her. Sources say, he was seen leaving the country at 10pm, just as the sun rose in the new year.


OMG! Is The Chimdi Gentry dating? She shared hot pictures of her new year's Eve in the internet, right before the news of her Mum's passing went viral, where she hung out with her friends and was cuddled up with a particular hottie. Don't be stingy Dee, share his name, and possibly, his contact. We want to know too!

We here at TalkNaija commemorate with you on the death of your Mother. Please accept our heartfelt condolences Chimdi!

Happy New year TalkFam!
To new beginnings.

#weservelegs #celebgist #ripG #happynewyear!

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