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Mila's pov

The smile on Harry's face didn't last very long. As he slowly made his way to the group on the dance floor, his eyes yet to leave Mila's, he was interrupted.

Lucy had danced her way into his line of sight, swaying her hips to the music like she was trying to seduce him, which she was.

Mila's smile had dropped significantly upon seeing the back of her friend's head instead of Harry but quickly pulled it back as she continued dancing, turning back to the group. She couldn't help the fact that her mood had been brought down significantly, as right behind her was her best friend, and her best friend's crush. Her best friend's crush who she kissed, and kept it secret.

Her heartbeat quickened, guilt rising in her blood.

How could she have done this to Lucy? After years of friendship, this would truly pull them apart, she was going to lose her best friend.

"Are you okay?"

The voice sounded far away, the music drowning out Ethan's concerned question.

Mila didn't reply, instead, she fixed her gaze on the floor, trying to focus on the beat so that her heart would slow down.

"Mila...Mila?" A hand grasped her shoulder, snapping her out of her own little world, "are you okay? Do you need to sit down?" His voice was uncharacteristically low and caring, little laughter to it.

"Yeah...yeah, I'm fine" she swallowed, making eye contact with him, he knew she was lying but nodded anyway, "let's get a drink"

He nodded, leading her towards the bar, ordering two shots of Sambuca and placing one in front of her. Before he could ask another question she had already thrown her head back, taking the shot down in one.

"Oh, wow go on lass" Ethan laughed his usual laugh which, miraculously, seemed to cheer her up.

Ethan had something about him that could change any situation into a happy one, with a quick-witted sentence or a joke that he was too busy laughing at to get out. It was rare for the boy to be down or angry, from what she had seen over the past few days anyway, but she could imagine he'd be scary when mad.

"Shots fix everything, everyone knows that" he spoke again, a smirk on his lips as he offered her another, which she gladly took, "are you better now? Do you want to talk about it?" Her head shook slowly.

"No, I'll be fine," she turned her head back to the dance floor but the group had vacated back to the table, "we should get back" Ethan only nodded, he understood what it was like to keep things to himself. He knew that it wasn't the best thing to do, but he also knew that a crowded club wasn't the place to talk about it. So he smiled, following the short girl back towards the table, not wanting to press too far.

Ethan held out his hand, letting Mila slip into the booth first before sliding in next to her, starting up a conversation with Josh immediately as he was sat on a normal chair they'd pulled up to the end of the booth.

It took Mila seconds to notice that she had slid in next to Harry, who had his eyes firmly set on his drink.

"Hey," she nudged his shoulder, catching his attention, "you good?" His smile brightened, happy that she was at least talking to him as they hadn't all evening.

"Better now," he told her, cringing internally at his choice of words, not wanting to come off too needy.

"Good to hear" She smile at him, catching his eyes and staring deeply into them.

The two didn't speak much as they looked into each other's eyes, having a silent conversation between the vibrant colours and specs that danced between them.

Milas smile only grew, very slowly to not bring attention to them, as she felt a warm hand slip into her own.

Under the table, a secret just for the two of them. Nobody suspected a thing as his thumb stroked the back of her hand, he wasn't even looking at her. Harry had started up a conversation with Simon, who sat next to him, whilst he did so. Heat rose to Mila's cheeks at the small insignificant act.

It seemed so simple, after all, he was only holding her hand, so juvenile to anybody else but to her, it brought goosebumps to each arm and a hitch to her breath.

It was crazy how something so insignificant could make her heart go crazy, but that was just how the boy to her right made her feel.


Written: 28th December 2020
Published: 30th December 2020
Edited: 18th June 2023
Woke up from a nap and had a monster only to realise that it is 2am and I have fucked up.
Chapters lately haven't been the best which I can only apologise for I've been busy but they'll get better soon hopefully lmao

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