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Mila's pov

"They'll never be as good as Mykonos" Freezy shouted, his voice seemed to crack at the end, but Mila had come to learn that was his normal voice, "you're lying to yourself"

"I know, okay!" Lux shouted back, however not at cheerful as Freezy's voice had been, "Mykonos was my peak and everything else is downhill"

"Wha-" Harry interrupted them, a fresh shot still on his lips, "that running video was a banger, you proved KSI wrong, you're a unit lad"

This conversation had been going on for far too long.

Lux kept repeating himself about whatever the 'Mykonos Vlogs' were and Freezy kept pushing him more, that man just loved to annoy people. Ethan stood to the side with Mila, looking equally as lost as the three boys argued, Harry, staying out for the most part.

It was clear they were very close, and what Talia and Freya had told her earlier came in handy, they argued so casually they just had to have lived together at some point.

"Do you feel left out?" She accidentally asked before you could stop herself.

"What?" Ethan mumbled back, a slight laugh in his throat.

"They're all so close, I know you're friends but do you not feel left out" she questioned again, her eyes flickering between whichever boy was talking.

"Not really, I like my space-always have. We're great mates and I'm probably closest to Harry out of all the sidemen, but they live together. I'm just not on their level, and I'm okay with that" Mila had to admire Ethan for his answer, and how sophisticated he managed to sound after she'd just seen him shot at least four Sambuca's, along with a few illegal substances they'd all partaken in.

It was a shock to Mila to find out these seeming clean-cut boys had a dirty side, something she assumed was kept from the public until Freezy informed her of the on-running joke about Harry's illegal hobbies.

"It's all fun and games to us," he'd said, "but the fans take it too far man" Mila had nodded like she had any experience with fans at all.

Mila had been a frequent user herself in her early years, it was impossible not to be in her small northern city, with nothing but city streets and dark parks to entertain them. She'd spent her younger years, along with Lucy when they met, in fields at the weekend, taking God knows what with God knows who; but they were happy.

"I think it's mint yous lot are all so close," she told him, taking another sip of her drink as she swayed to the music, "I've always only had a few mates, easier to trust a few than it is loads" he nodded along, listening intently whilst his eyes stayed on the boys in front of them.

"I get you, like, you don't know who's going to fuck you over" she smiled, nodding silently, "I trust these boys with my life, they've been there for me through everything so I don't really have a choice. I'd say if you need anything, anything at all, they'd help you, even one of them you're not close to"

"That's amazing,"

"It's probably why the Sidemen are still about, we're actually friends" he laughed to himself, probably finding himself funny in his intoxicated state, "right lads come on that's enough" he finally stopped them, pushing himself off the bar and walking over.

Mila smiled to herself, already she felt closer to Ethan, like he was somebody she could trust, just showing his point. In fact, all of the boys out tonight she had formed some kind of bond with and was happy it had happened so soon, it'd be torture to be on holiday with people she didn't get along with.

"I'm hungry" Ethan suddenly proclaimed after a long while of his silence, interrupting Freezy's story to which he wasn't best pleased.

"Careful, old Ethan's coming out" Harry laughed, the boys cracking up with him.

"Bog mate, you're fat" Ethan countered, making them fall into hysterics, even Mila who didn't particularly understand the joke was clutching her stomach at just the sounds of their laughs.

"Wha-wha-what d'you mean" Harry stuttered out, his eyes creasing as he spoke, his arms flailing slightly.

"You are getting tubby Harold" Freezy nodded, patting his back.

"Am I?" His face seemed worried for a few seconds before it went back to his normal face, a funny-sounding 'oh' coming out as his lips protruded more than usual.

Mila had realised he made this face a lot.

She definitely didn't think Harry was fat, or tubby or anything of the sort, and neither was Ethan, but the 'old Ethan' joke implied he used to be. Mila smiled as she thought she'd solved a little riddle, when in fact she was the last to know.

"No, no I'm not having this" Harry waved them off, "I'm a strapping young Donny"

"Yes, you are Harold, you tell them" Lux nodded, his camera pointed at Harry as his eyes started to droop, his drunkenness shown on his face and by the stumble in his walk, "don't you agree Mel?" He panned the camera to Mila, noticing she hadn't spoken in a while, wanting her to feel involved, which she silently thanked him for.

"Like a supermodel" she nodded, nearly tripping on her heel as she stepped down from a particularly large curb and onto the road, accidentally falling into Harry's side. Luckily he managed to catch her and himself before either of them went down.

"She's even falling for him" Freezy laughed, turning around to walk backwards but soon regretting it when he himself fell over the curb on the other side of the road.

"You're falling now too mate" Ethan laughed hysterically at his little joke before he looked forward, his eyes lighting up as he spotted a Kabab shop, rushing inside.

"Finally, some fucking food" Freezy grumbled, pulling himself up and stumbling into the shop.

The only thing  that could make this night better is cheesy chips with chip spice and that's exactly what she planned to get.

Written: 27th November 2020
Publish: 27th November 2020
Edited: 17th June 2023
Bit of a filler but just building up relationships
Btw I obviously don't think Harry's fat before anybody says out, I'm just referencing their vids and that

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