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Mila's POV

"No way"

Mila had finally put her foot down.

After almost a year of dating Harry Lewis, this was it, her hill to die on.

"What? Why!?" He whined in return, his lip jutting out in a pout. One that she usually couldn't deny, but this was too much.

Whilst dating Harry she had lost arguments like this a lot: not wanting to buggy board with him and Cal; they managed to whittle her down, complaining about how cold a skiing holiday would be; they'd gone twice now: wanting to buy him more than Yu-gi-oh packs for his birthday, she had sat on stream with him to open them.

Harry had a knack for getting his own way, pushing Mila to experience new things that she often ended up enjoying - but this was too much.

"Harry" she rolled her eyes, throwing her phone to their shared bed as she crossed her arms, "we are not going to Talia and Simon's Halloween party dressed as Wallace and Gromit!"

"Why not! It's perfect"

He had talked about this frequently, but she's always assumed he was joking. Who in their right mind would actually want to be Wallace and Gromit for Halloween?

It'd be all well and good for Harry, the lads would laugh and Twitter would think he was hilarious, but what was Mila to do?

She knew that Freya was going to the party as a creepy doll, and Talia as always was going all out with blue skin and all. Cara would be a sexy police officer and Gee would be a princess.

How insane would she look next to them dressed as Wallace, at least she hoped he'd let her be Wallace.

"We'll look silly!"

"That's the point" the smile on his lips never left, "it's Halloween, no one cares"

"I do" she grumbled, falling back onto the bed.

"Come on, don't get all mardy about it," he softly sat next to her, "it'll be hilarious"

"Will it?"


"But for our first Halloween? Don't you want to have a cute couple's costume?" She was basically begging at this point.

"This is a cute couples costume"

Slowly but surely, Mila was coming around. But she couldn't let him know that.

Admittedly, it would be quite funny.

But she'd always imagined their first Halloween as something cute, something to look back on in years to come as the good times before they got crazy; when they'd do anything to make each other happy and show off their love.

"So Wallace and Gromit were shagging then?" A raised eyebrow was sent his way.

He was silenced. Lips pursed as his brain whirled.

"Well...we don't know what happens in that house"

"Harry!" She laughed, clutching her stomach, "they were not shagging!"

"Now how do you know?"

This was the love she looked forward to thinking about in years to come, the times they'd talk about as they, hopefully, grow old together.

It didn't really matter what they were wearing at the end of the day, being together would make memories.

"Fine" his face lit up, "but! I'm being Wallace"

His face twisted.

"But then I can't call you my bitc-ahhh" his screams cut him off.

"This is so stupid"

There she stood, in a full Gromit onesie, arms crossed over her chest as the head fell over her face once again, she must have pushed it back a thousand times by now.

"You look cute" she rolled her eyes dramatically, looking over to the taller boy; she had to look away when a laugh climbed up her throat.

He had a bald cap on his head that made him look ridiculous, and seeing him in a suit and dress shoes always made her laugh - not to mention the green sweater vest and brown tweed slacks.

"You don't"

His face twisted, mouth open to retaliate, when the door opened.

Both of them turned, and before they even got a greeting, a hyena-like laugh left JJ's mouth. Hand clutched his stomach as he had to hold the door to keep from dropping to the floor.

The stupid smile on Harry's face was almost worth it, almost. Mila must have had a similar one, although as suppressed as she could get it.

"What the fuck" he finally got out before breaking into another iconic laugh.

From there, it was all the same. Everyone they greeting letting out a similar loud laugh before looking at Mila with pity, knowing full she was roped into this.

She took photos with the girls, all of them in their short skirts and fancy makeup, they obviously turned out hilarious.

The photos of her and Harry were equally as funny, their hands up by their heads as they shook them; much like the characters, they were portraying.

Harry even ended up finding some cheese to hold, he ended up moulding it like blu-tac rather than eating it.

It was fun, a good night they'd remember for years to come, and not only because of the ridiculous costumes.

It was nearly 2 am when people started leaving, by then the two took up space on the couch, Harry's arm around her shoulder as he drunkenly slurred to Cal, who in turn slurred back.

His hand squeezed her shoulder every now and then, as if to make sure she was alright, glancing at her from the corner of his eye to make sure she hadn't suddenly disappeared.

It was something she'd grown to love about Harry, his hand always touching her, just to make sure she was close.

It was a softer side to the boy she met that very first cold night. The boy who had downed a pint before introducing himself.

The boy who had bought her a drink just to calm her down, who wandered a new country with her just to keep their night going.

The boy who cared enough to be there, to comfort her through lost friends and memoriam's, the boy who encouraged her to talk to her family again.

The boy who made her a better person, who brought her out of her comfort zone every day without making her feel bad for stepping back.

The boy who she would sit with in fifty years, grand children on their laps, flipping through a photo album. The boy who would surely, even then, jump at the chance to defend their costumes even after all those years.

And she couldn't wait.

Written: 27th October 2022
Published: 8th November 2022
Not my best work but just a lil late surprise to saw thanks for 800k and since it was just Halloween and Harry mentioned wanting to do this couples costume I thought why not.
Also, this story could very likely reach a million reads at some point and that's just insane so thank youu

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