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Mila's pov

Mila came to the realisation, during her lukewarm shower, that she had spent the whole day covered in salt. The smell of their swimming session the night before had been stuck to her throughout her sleep and morning with the girls, which made her feel even more disgusting than she already did.

She rubbed shampoo into her hair, massaging it into her scalp, whilst thinking about the next few days.

The first day, or night, had been amazing and had set the bar high for the rest of the holidays. She hadn't expected to become close to anybody on the holiday, let alone go out on the first night and stay out with one of them till the early hours of the morning.

Being able to breathe without smelling salt was a plus, and so was the new strawberry scent from her hair.

"Afternoon, Mel" a voice shouted as she walked down the stairs; hair dry, legs shaved and ready for the rest of the day.

"Very formal, Callum" she smirked, making her way to the kitchen island which Freezy was leaning against, a glass of water in his hand, "afternoon"

Mila liked the villa, being able to walk down the stairs and see the open-plan ground floor was amazing and it felt so homely, she hoped that one day she'd be able to live in a house similar to this. But then again, anything was better than she shared grotty house.

"Lunch?" He held up a bowl that she hadn't seen previously, it looked to be the pasta salad that they had picked up from the shop.


"None left" he shrugged, purposely taking a large mouthful with a smirk, laughing at her confused face.

"Right, sound, cheers Cal" She laughed lightly, opening the fridge to see two bowls of pasta salad, "Oh, no more? So this is what, dog food?"

Freezy only laughed some more, chewing into another forkful of rocket leaves and coving his mouth as he spoke.

"Don't think you'd notice if it was dog food," he shrugged, "a bit like last night, yeah, too preoccupied with young Harold" he raised his eyebrows to an uncomfortable amount, smirking so that his teeth showed purposefully with a weird look in his eyes. (Beg yous know the look I'm on bout)

"Oh, leave it out Cal" Mila rolled her eyes, smiling slightly to show she wasn't annoyed as she picked up her own bowl and fork.

"It's okay lass, you won't see Harry today, whatever yous did last night has done him in" Freezy laughed loudly as he told her, to nobody's surprise, as they walked to the back garden, joining the others near the pool.

"Finally" Talia exclaimed as Mila sat next to her, "you smelt like fish all morning"

"And you didn't tell me, that's poor from you"

"I assumed you knew like you were making a statement" Talia shrugged, smirking slightly as she nudged Milas's shoulder, the girls giggling to themselves as they tucked into their food.

"Mel, can you bring me some suncream out please?" Lucy called from her spot on the sunbeds where she sat with Ethan and Vik.

"Sure" Mila mumbled back as she walked away, knowing they hadn't heard her.

It was far too hot outside, so the extra few minutes inside were a bonus. Mila trekked the stairs to their shared room, grabbing the spray bottle that lay on Lucy's bed and her sunglasses, the only reason she'd come in, in the first place, before walking back to the landing.

"Cal..." a croaky voice called out of one of the rooms.

"Um...no, just me" she called back, stopping in her tracks.

"Oh..." she heard a mumble, sure of who's voice she was hearing, after all, they were all outside apart from him, "can you get me a bottle of water?"

"Cheeky sod" Mila whispered to herself as she trudged down the stairs, pulling the fridge open and grabbing a fresh bottle of water before making her way back upstairs, sighing loudly as she reached the top.

"Harry...?" She called out in question, not knowing which room he was in. She received a grunt back, her ears perking up at one door.

Mila stepped towards it, pushing the door open slowly and peeking around. The sight made her laugh lightly, Harry was laid on his stomach, no shirt on showing his bare, toned, back from where the thin, white covers stopped at the base of his back.

His head was turned towards the door where she stood, his slight stubble framed his face perfectly and the light colour of his hair and complexion contrasted perfectly with his bright plump lips.

Mila's breath hitched as his eyes opened, the vibrant blue drilling into her brown ones.

She had to stop her face from changing to react to the feeling in her stomach that appeared as he looked at her, the feeling only grew as he smiled, pushing himself up.

She had to gulp and take a deep breath, to make sure that her voice came out normal.

"You look like shit"

Written: 10th December 2020
Published: 11th December 2020
Edited: 17th June 2023
Shitty lil chapters for yous lot thanks for all the votes and that :)
Also new Harry fanfic coming in the next few days so be ready

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