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Mila's pov

"This is highly underwhelming" Harry commented, a smile crawling to his face as he heard Mila giggle from the hotel bathroom, quickly flicking his head over his shoulder before turning back to the window.

"I told you it was a bit shit" she replied, organising her toiletries on the marble sink side.

"It's still Paris, can't be all bad," he told her, but the look on his face that Mila saw as she walked into the bedroom told her he didn't believe his own words.

Harry had told Mila even when they were in London that he had a magical idea of what Paris would look like, and it was safe to say he was slightly disappointed. The view from their hotel room wasn't quite what he had expected; thinking that any view of Paris would be nice was his downfall.

The old fashioned apartment blocks across the road were all that could be seen from their balcony unless either dared to lean over the balcony so far that they could fall just to see the side of the Eiffel tower.

"It's not about the view," Mila told him, walking slowly along the cold tiled floor to wrap her arms around his waist from behind, pressing the side of her face into his broad shoulders, "we're together"

"Don't be a soppy twat" he smiled at her laugh, again, turning his body as best he could to look down at her.

Mila only shook her head letting go of the taller boy to fall back onto their shared bed, pushing herself into the fluffed pillows. Her eyes closed, an early morning and short flight with no time to sleep was not ideal.

As her breathing started to steady the bed dipped, Harry's joggy bottoms rubbing against the white cloth, perking her ears. She didn't open her eyes, thinking that he would fall next to her, however, instead, she felt a weight fall onto her body.

"Fucking hell" she wheezed out, a chuckle coming from Harry as he settled in, his cheek against her stomach and arms wrapped around her waist.

Mila smiled lightly, raising her hands slowly to run her fingers through his hair, twisting the longer parts around her fingertips.

"Paris can wait" he mumbled, sleep clear in his voice, "sleep now"

"Now this," Harry spoke loudly, receiving many dirty looks from the couples around them, "Is more like it"

He had organised their date night at the Eiffel Tower restaurant, lights illuminating the inside of the tower and shooting into the sky, showing the world where they were. Yet, whilst the world was there to see she only saw him.

His; for once actually styled hair, albeit with water, it was the thought that counts; his white-collar shirt that wasn't quite buttoned to the top, the cuffs rolled up to his mid-forearm with his dress trousers. Mila had tried her best to convince him to wear the fancy shoes that his mother had bought him, however, he refused in favour of his white 97's, telling her he wasn't willing to go 'that far' just yet.

He looked so different to the joggy bottoms and Sidemen clothing she was used to, but that didn't change the boy like wonder in his eyes as he peered over the railings.

"Do you reckon I could hit that mime if I spat from here?" He questioned, cutting her mind's thoughts, which seemed so beautiful, to bring her back to reality; which might be even better.

She wouldn't change him for anything.

"Just pretend he's your mam, you'll hit him just fine" a smirk on her face as he rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he drummed the table.

"It gets funnier the more you say it, you know?" He joked back, cocking his head as he picked up the almost empty bottle of red wine, drinking it straight from the bottle.

They'd been in the restaurant for just over an hour, quickly receiving their meals and an extra bottle of wine for them to enjoy their night.

"It really does" she acted oblivious, nodding with a sarcastic look on her face.

He laughed a brilliant laugh that she loved to hear. Mila still remembered the first time she'd heard his real laugh, the laugh he hid as it was 'too embarrassing' but was her favourite sound. Her favourite thing to be encased by as he held her close to his chest, his deep belly laugh rocking her back and forth.

That was her favourite time with Harry when he didn't care enough to hide the real him because he felt no need to hide.

Not from Mila, never from Mila.

"Should we go?" He asked, tipping the bottle as far back as it'd go, making sure to get every last drop, "we've got more to do" standing up, Harry checked his phone his eyes widening as he noticed the time, twenty minutes to midnight, into the new year.

"Oh, have we now?" Mila raised an eyebrow, pulling down her dress as Harry dragged her along, waving bye to the staff, having already paid.

"You have no idea"

Written: 8th April 2021
Published:11th April 2021
Second to last chapter,
Also nothing against Paris just the ppl i know that live there say it's a bit shit ahaha
Also I hate this ending but idk what else to do and really want to move on from this story :/

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