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Mila's pov

"Come on!" Mila shouted for what seemed to be the umpteenth time, "Get up! It's our last full night we have to go out" She pushed Lucy's shoulder again.

"Ten more minutes" her brunette friend mumbled back.

"You said that half an hour ago," Mila rolled her eyes, "just think of this as payback for this morning"

Lucy moved her head below her pillow, flipping over to face away from Mila, who stood ready to go out in her satin, rose gold short dress.

"Fine, I'll wake the others first"

Mila and Harry, and Cal when he finally decided to join them, had enough time to remake lunch, eat it and have a swim in the pool before the group returned. Most of them complained about the hike before making their way upstairs for a nap before they left to go out that evening.

Half of them didn't even eat their lunch, much to Harry's disappointment as he had put his 'heart and soul' into the pasta. Cal, however, was too busy shovelling down the extra portions to be upset. Before they had gone back to sleep leaving the girl to get ready on her own.

Knocking on Lux and JJ's door she received a similar answer to the one Lucy had given her, just with a few more swear words and a lisp this time. It just so happened that half of the group wasn't ready to get up yet.

Thankfully for Mila, at least one person was up; Simon.

"We should just pour water on them all" Simon suggested, rubbing his wrists together as he exited his and Talias' shared room, closing the door as quietly as he could.

"Then where would they sleep tonight?" Mila question.

"Oh...shit yeah" Simon nodded, thankful for the girl in that moment.

"We could just bang pots and pans until everyone's up" Mila replied, pursing her lips as she looked at Simon, hoping he was up for it. Thankfully a smirk came to Simons's face as he pointed to the stairs signalling for them to grab the pans whispering a quick 'I didn't get no sleep cos of y'all' as he hopped his way down the stairs.

It didn't take long for the only two ready for the night out to grab a wooden spoon each and a pan, they stood on the landing looking at each other.

"On three"

"One-" she started only to be cut off by loud banging.

"Three!" He shouted, aggressively striking the bottom of the pan as he kicked open the doors to his left and right, screaming "Wake up or die!"

Mila couldn't help but laugh as she carefully opened Freezy, Harry and Ethan's shared room, flickering the light on and off before banging her wooden spoon to the frying pan she held.

"Jesus Christ lass," Cal shot up at the loud sound, "how many times are you planning to come in here with a frying pan?"

"As many as it'll take to get yous lot up" She pointed the spoon at him before tapping it again, making sure to poke Harry with the spoon as she passed his bed.

"Beg you stop" he settled with as he sat up, rubbing his eyes, whilst Ethan went with a bit more rash, "fuck off right now"

Mila only laughed as she left the room, going to open her room when the door swung open on its own.

"I'm up, I'm up" Lucy yawned, shaking her head with an unamused face.

"Good" Mila smiled sweetly, making her way to Vik and Tobi's room, seeing their door unopened. But when she reached to twist the handle, that door opened first too, Simon pushing past her as he ran down the stairs. Before Mila had time to process what had happened Tobi came running out after him, quick as lightning.

She wouldn't have believed they'd even passed her if she couldn't hear them downstairs. Seconds later Vik stumbled to the door, his hand to his mouth to stifle a yawn.

"Guess it's time to get ready?" He blinked harshly, trying to focus his vision.

Mila and Simon stood in the kitchen, she leaned against the island as Simon stood across the room, closer to the living room on the open-plan bottom floor.

She raised her hand, again, chucking a grape his way, this one landing in his mouth.

"Yes!" He shouted, both his arms shooting in the air as he chewed, high-fiving Mila as she whooped as well, "finally" he sighed, falling on the sofa as Mila looked at the red grapes that littered the floor before bending down, grabbing the ones she could see as people made their way downstairs and to the door.

"Ready?" Talia asked Mila, as she put the handful of fruit in the bin, noticing everybody else had been ready for some time now.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry," she smiled, making her way through the door with the rest of them, sticking to the back and walking by herself.

Until Harry dropped back, waving a quick bye to Freezy who turned to continue his conversation with somebody else. The two walked in silence, a comfortable one, not awkward.

"We need to talk tonight" he spoke up suddenly, surprising the short girl who only looked up at him and nodded.

Harry didn't say another word on the matter, instead, he smiled brightly and moved on, pushing her shoulder or grabbing her hand every now and again, an excuse to feel her touch.

No matter how happy she was to talk to him at that moment, her head was racing at what their later conversation topic could be.

Written: 8th January 2021
Published: 11th January 2021
Edited: 19th June 2023
Mila and Simon friendship supremacy, I don't make the rules.
Yes, I did just write 1000 words on absolutely nothing :) cry bout it but look out for next chapter hehe

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