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Mila's pov

Time seemed to slow in airports like they were trapped in time. A little pocket of long queues and indistinguishable chatter, all pulled together by the dampened mood of holiday goers returning to their drab everyday lives.

Well 'drab' for most, but to the group of young men, they were returning to the stressful and strenuous job of simply being themselves.

"We need a plan lads, come on" Ethan groaned, rubbing his eyes.

They were brainstorming ideas for their next few videos, despite Josh's laid-back manner. He kept stating how they had plenty of ideas on a sheet of some kind, however, Ethan, who's week it was for ideas, was a bit more nervous.

"I thought we were doing another Sidemen Tinder?"  Tobi spoke up, taking a large sip from his glass of apple juice that he had gotten from the bar. Once again they sat in the lounge, which Mila couldn't be more thankful for. The airport was a lot more packed than England had been, added to the humid air it would have been a nightmare.

"Yeah, we need more girls"

"Well," Harry spoke up, a hand over his mouth as he munched on his food, "Mila said she'd do it" She nodded, swallowing harshly as seven pairs of eyes flicked to her.

"Yeah...yeah, if you don't have anybody else, that is" she agreed.

Josh smiled gratefully before clasping his hands together.

"There you go, sorted"

"No," Ethan shook his head, "not sorted, we still need one other girl"

"That's fine, we can find-" Vik started, only to be cut off by a loud gasp.

"I'll do it!" Now their eyes turned to Lucy, who was sitting on the edge of a booth next to JJ, seemingly scaring the life out of the boy who was slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Oh no, that's-" Harry started, licking his lips and wiping his fingers on a napkin as he rapidly started declining her offer.

"No, no. Really, it's fine," Lucy nodded, her eyes like saucers as she thought, "If Mila's going to be there why not, you know?" The group had fallen silent, all except Talia who was giggling lightly, not even trying to hide it behind her hand.

Harry shook his head again, his mouth not being able to catch up with his mind as he tried to deny her offer.

"That's great" Vik interrupted the boy, earning many glares as he did, Lucy had already turned away and was speaking animated to Freezy, who looked like he'd rather chuck himself out of one of the planes, before he continued, "look, either we have Lucy or we have no video, she's not that bad"

"You had a point until that last bit" Ethan grumbled back before closing his mouth, noticing the harsh glare Mila was sending his way.

"She's a nightmare" Harry tried to reason with Mila, who sat at his side.

"She's my best mate, be nice"

"Mila" a finger poked her repeatedly, pulling the short girl from her sleep, "Mila come on, I need a fag" she hummed in response, not fully taking in Lucy's words.

"What?" She asked again, annoyed as a hand shook her.

Finally, Mila opened her eyes, seeing the rest of the group passed out around them, with Lucy standing over her, a cigarette packet and lighter in hand.

"I want a fag before we get on the plane and don't want to go alone," She told Mila, "please"

Not that she was giving Mila the choice, instead she dragged the younger girl up and out of her seat and towards the exit doors, smiling sweetly at the lady from the desk before going out of the door opposite them.

"At least it's not cold, like England" Mila smiled sleepily, trying to lighten their mood.

"That seems like forever ago" Lucy smiled back as she blew the smoke from her mouth, licking her lips after before taking another shorter drag.


Mila couldn't help but think about how much had changed over the past few days. For one, she'd gained plenty of new friends, as well as potentially someone more than a friend.

"I'm so happy they asked me to be in Sidemen Tinder" She spoke whilst Mila's eyebrows furrowed, 'asked' was a far fetch, "the first one was so funny, plus this means I have more time to get with Harry because let's be honest, this holiday was dreadful for our love lives" Lucy laughed, not knowing how wrong she was.

Mila only hummed in response, her eyes closing again as she leaned back against the wall. Their flight was in twenty minutes, meaning they'd have to get ready and go to check in once they were inside, she'd have to sleep on the plane.

"Come on," Lucy interrupted her peace, already inside with the door shutting after her as she led Mila back to the lounge.

Unfortunately, Mila hadn't been seated next to Harry as she had been on the way there, but thankfully she was sat with Lux instead of a stranger. However, Harry wasn't too happy about his seat partner, and neither was Freezy.

"Just our luck, stuck with Lucy" Cal complained again, huffing and puffing as Lux teased him.

"Sucks to suck"

"Beg you swap with her" Freezy looked between the two of us.

"You're kidding right?" Mila chuckled, leaning only a tad closer to Harry hoping nobody would notice, "she would chop off her arm before giving up that seat"

"Good luck" Lux wiggled his eyebrows, falling back as Freezy pushed him, leaving the two to fight.

"I might not make it off the plane" Harry turned to her, creating some distance as his eyes scanned the group, referring to how he, Cal and Lucy had been seated on the same row.

"Don't be dramatic, she's fine" Mila shook her head, raising her hand to pluck a piece of fluff from his hair, not focusing on his pouting lips, over exaggerating his features.

"You'd be better" She looked down to hide the heat on her face.

"Shut up"

They moved forwards, passing their tickets to the air hostess for it to be ripped and then the two were sent on their way.

"You better not pick anyone else, you know" he spoke suddenly as the two walked down the tunnel, the others still sorting themselves out, leaving the two to speak openly with only other holidaymakers to hear.

"What?" She furrowed her eyebrows, being pointed towards her seat by an air hostess as she pointed Harry in the opposite direction.

"In Tinder, you better swipe right," he told her, backing up as other people entered the plane.

"You'll have to bring your A-game" she shrugged, giving him a playful smirk.

"I'll be irresistible" he nodded, laughing to himself as he finally turned, slipping into the aisle seat, probably so he wasn't trapped in by Lucy, who would no doubt would be sat in the middle.

"You already are"

Written: 28th January 2021
Published: 28th January 2021
Edited: 5th July 2023
They're finally going home, beg somebody tells me how I made 4 days into 35 chapters :|

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