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Mila's pov

Between the stress of the taxi drivers warning eyes and trying to awaken the passed-out boy to her side, Mila barely had time to notice a couple of heads in the window.

She didn't notice them watch her push the boy from the car, handing the driver the money, and she definitely didn't notice them watch her stumble the half-awake boy up the stairs and through the door, not helping her at all.

Mila pushed open the front door, thanking God that it was open, and pulled Harry through the entrance space and towards the closest couch, flopping him down; making sure to turn him on his side, right next to Callux who had apparently not made it upstairs either.

"Rough night?" A voice startled her, making her jump.

"Tal, I'm dying" Mila moaned once she had turned around, seeing her friend, her shoulders slumped.

"Aww, It's almost like you had the choice to sleep last night so we could go hard tonight" Talia stuck her bottom lip out, cocking her head sarcastically, opening her arms towards the girl.

"Shut up" was all Mila could muster, stepping into Talia's embrace.

The girls stayed quiet. Talia and Simon, who Mila hadn't noticed, exchanged a smirk at the two youngest of their group, obviously finding their fatigue funny.

"Why don't you go up to bed?" Talia suggested, pulling back after a few minutes.

"It's still early, the others won't be up till later anyways" Simon reassured her, taking another glance at the two passed out on the couch, smiling sinisterly as he squinted at Cal.

"What time is it?"

"7 am," Talia told her, laughing as her eyes widened, "exactly get to bed, the lads won't be up till late anyways, they got back around 4"

"How do you-" Mila began to ask, only to be cut off by Talia's annoyed voice.

"They woke everybody up,"

"Freezy and Ethan were drunk, what did you expect," Simon told them, making Mila laugh to herself. The boys were loud at the best of times, let alone when they were drunk.

Mila nodded, taking another look towards the boys on the couch, who Simon now sat with, noticing black pen marks on Lux's face; deciding it wasn't her probably, the only thing she cared about right now was her bed.

So when Talia ushered her upstairs with a shooing hand, Mila didn't argue. Tottering her way up the steps, looking back once to make sure Harry, and Cal, weren't choking before she rounded the corner, not that she was in a state to do anything about it.

Mila was thankful that Lucy was still asleep when she entered the room, pushing the door open as quietly as possible, falling onto her bed still fully clothed.

If she had any energy left at all she would have taken off her makeup, brushed her teeth and changed into some more comfortable, less salty, clothes. She had dropped her bag and heels on the floor downstairs as soon as she entered the house, needing two hands to stable Harry.

Left with her bottle of Evian, half drank which she suspected Harry had taken in the taxi since she hadn't even opened it herself; something she would definitely be bringing up with him when they were both able to stand upright without feeling the need to throw up their meals from the last week.

Despite the impending idea of a hangover playing on her mind Mila couldn't help but think the night back over.

What had started as a group of boys she didn't know and was deathly afraid of getting to know, had ended up as one of the best nights in a long time. Not that her life was that interesting in general.

"Mila..." a voice grumbled from the other bed, "you're back"

"Yep" she replied, yawning widely before turning over to face Lucy, who's eyes were still closed; it looked as if she was still sleeping.

"Good time?"

"Yeah..." she wanted to say more, but her body simply wouldn't let her, she shut down, not wanting to wake for at least the next eight hours.

Written: 3rd December 2020
Published: 3rd December 2020
Edited:17th June 2023
The new reads on this book tysmm mad
Chapters a bit dead but oh well

Crush Culture {{Harry Lewis - W2S}}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz