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Mila's pov

"You look freezing" was the first thing Harry said once he reached the shorter girl. The cameras had just shut off, catching his distant looks as he stared her down.

"That's because I am" Mila rubbed her arm, "Lucy nicked my coat, said it went with her outfit"

"Sounds about right" he mumbled, "I have a spare hoodie in my bag if you want it" he offered, already walking backwards, behind the cameras and towards a mountain of bags.

"Oh no, it's fine. I'm off home now anyway-" she was cut off as a black hoodie hit her in the face, falling to the floor as she was left stunned, "or you could just lob it at my face" she smiled sarcastically as he laughed to himself, making his way back over.

"Just put it on" he looked down to his phone, scrolling threw a few notifications before stuffing it in his pocket, "what are you doing tonight?"

"Umm...nothing to my knowledge, why?" She questioned, pulling the large hoodie over her head, cuffing the sleeves in an attempt to style it, although she looked like a child in their father's clothes.

"Don't make any plans, I'm taking you out"

"Taking me out?" She smirked, "this wouldn't be you asking me on a date would it Harold?"

"Maybe..." he mumbled, his gaze on the floor as he picked at the letter on his 'Dr Pepper' jumper.

"Awwww, how cute" she teased, raising her hands to pinch his cheeks before laughing as he pushed her away.

"Leave it out, you know what? Date cancelled, have fun staying home and doing nothing" he walked away, towards the rest of the boys as they left the room, the smile to his voice making her question whether he was serious.

"No, no, I'm only joking. Where are we going?" She followed closely after, trying not to get too close in fear of attracting unwanted attention.

"I don't know where you're off, but i'll be in bed" he shrugged again, pulling his bag further up his shoulders.

"Will you fuck," she spoke, shaking her head and laughing.

"I will, promise"

"Come on-"

"Harry!" A voice interrupted their short conversation, eight heads shot in the direction of Lucy.

She still had on Milas coat, however now it was resting halfway down her arms, leaving her tanned shoulders to the cold air, Mila sucked her teeth. She'd been freezing her arse off for the last few hours just for Lucy to not even use the coat properly.

"Lucy?" He replied, his eyes flickering between Ethan's and the girls, "what are you still doing here?"

"Waiting for Mila, she's scared to get Ubers home by herself" Lucy stated, laughing as she spoke, "as if anybody would take her" she continued laughing as the boys looked between themselves, once nobody laughed she cleared her throat, "it's a joke"

"Oh...okay" he nodded, looking down to Mila with a raised eyebrow.

Lucy started talking again, pushing Mila out of the way lightly to be in his eye line. Mila couldn't help but notice the short girl who had stuck behind had disappeared, no doubt due to Lucy's snide tongue. She also noticed each of the boys creeping away one by one, Simon pulling JJ's sleeve as slyly as he could in order to sneak away without being noticed.

"So, are you busy tonight?"

That caught Mila's attention.

She tuned into their conversation, not wanting to look like she was eavesdropping she opened her phone, aimlessly swiping between her home screens.

"Um, yeah sorry. Filming" he replied brashly.

"But you just got done" Lucy furrowed her eyebrows, leaning onto her hip.

"It's for Freezy's channel," he told her, taking a step back, "actually Tobi's giving me a lift so I have to go"

"Oh...okay" she mumbled, a crestfallen look on her face. If She hadn't been flirting with Harry, Mila would have felt sorry for her.

"Bye," Harry spoke, his eyes aimed towards Mila as he walked backwards.

Once Lucy had turned towards the girl, whose eyes were still on Harry, he held up eight fingers before tapping his wrists. As if to tell her when their date would be.

A small smile raised to her lips.

"What are you smiling at?" Lucy spat, obviously still angry from her shoot down.

"Um...Talia just asked me to go over tonight" she lied, shoving her phone into her, well Harry's, hoodie pocket.

"Oh, yeah she texted me, too, but I'm busy" Lucy spoke, looking the other way as she spoke, obviously just wanting to be included.

"Yeah, okay" Mila mumbled, looking back down to her phone, smiling as a text from Harry popped up.

"Who's hoodie is that?" Lucy asked, eyeing up the Sidemen logo that adorned the chest.

"Simons" she replied quickly, swallowing deeply as Lucy nodded, accepting her answer.

Mila hated lying to the girl but decided that it would be easier than telling the truth.

At least that's what she'd been telling herself a lot lately.

Written: 5th February 2021
Published: 9th February 2021
Edited: 19th November 2023
Hope yous caught lucy being a snide twat
I have coursework due on the 12th and haven't started :,) so instead I wrote some chapters

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