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Mila's pov

The group could hardly hold their excitement as they barrelled onto the boat, bottles of champagne already being popped open before everybody had sat down.

Being with the group of, rather successful, boys had come in handy. They'd managed to book a boat for the next few hours to ferry the group around, and no matter how much she pushed and pleaded, they'd refused to take any of Mila's money.

"Call it our treat, yeah?" JJ told her as he leaned back, relaxing into the leather seats at the bow of the boat.

"This is hardly a treat, it's like a thousand quid" She handed him a glass of alcohol, her way of making up for it.

"I'm KSI, it's nothing" he jokingly pulled at his shirt as if to flex whilst laughing hysterically.

"Yeah okay, big forehead to match your massive ego" she joked, sipping her drink as his jaw dropped, Simon laughed from the other side of his best friend.

"Nah, man allow it yeah, after all I've done for you" he shook his head, a small smile on his lips as he gulped his drink, probably drinking way too quickly for a lightweight.

"Your fault for having a big head" she shrugged, her eyes wandering to the sheltered bit of the boat where some of the lads were talking, phasing out JJ's complaining about how Josh had a bigger head than him.

Her eyes landed on Harry, giggling lightly at his neon yellow swim trunks and the sun cream on his back that was yet to be rubbed in. However, her smile dropped quickly as she saw a hand creep around his shoulders, rubbing the cream into his back, and then some.

Of course, Lucy had to get her hands on him in some way, and whilst Mila wished that she could march over there and throw Lucy overboard, she couldn't. Nobody was aware of what was going on between them except, well, them. Meaning that she had no right to be angry at her friend, but that didn't stop the burning passion in her chest, forcing her to look away before she reacted, her hand gripping the glass too tight she was scared it'd smash.

What annoyed her just as much, if not more, was the fact that Harry hadn't moved as her fingers danced along his skin. He had simply stood there and let another girl rub suncream into him, not any girl but Lucy who he must know had a crush on him by now.

"Go on lass" a shout brought her back to the current moment, noticing that she had subconsciously tipped her glass all the way back and downed her drink, catching Ethan's attention as he applauded her, laughing as he did so, "this I can get behind" he picked up his own drink, downing that in one before flexing his biceps, laughing even louder as the group groaned.

Mila smiled along with the group, not listening to their banter as her mind was miles away. Even as the separate group joined them she stayed quiet, intentionally avoiding Harry's attempts at eye contact.

By the time she had zoned back in the boat had stopped, the shore barely noticeable, and half of the group had disappeared. The girls were all still sitting down, Freya and Talia spoke animatedly as Lucy sat on her phone. Most of the Sidemen were still sitting with them, just relaxing, except for Harry and Ethan, who were missing as well as the Cal's.

Just as Mila was about to ask what trouble they had gotten themselves into she heard a large splash, followed by loud shouts and laughter, then a whoop from Lucy, who was leaning over the boat's side.

It didn't take a genius to tell Mila where they were, so she stood up, collecting a new drink on her way, before carefully climbing the metal ladder to the upper deck of the boat, following the trail of wet footprints on the deck. After she looked around, only seeing the captains' control room and another small room with wooden benches and a few pillows she frowned, confused as to where they'd be.

"Up" a voice startled her, making her spin until her eyes met the brown ones of the older-looking Spanish man, a captain's hat on his head. He smiled, apologised in Spanish mumble for scaring her then pointed towards another ladder, this one on the outside of the boat, meaning she'd have to climb out of the boat to get to them; leaving her open to falling into the deep water below.

"Help?" The man spoke as he got closer to Mila, offering a hand and pushing her towards the open wall of the boat before she could even speak, he held her ankle as she climbed the ladder, throwing a 'thank you' over her shoulder as he passed her her glass, before disappearing again.

"There she is" Ethan's voice alerted her presence to the group who hadn't noticed her yet.

"You jumping in?" Lux smiled, a GoPro in hand, water dripping from his entire body.

"Definitely not" She shook her head, holding onto Ethan's arm as she peered over the edge, before looking back up to the sky, gulping.

"Why not?" Freezy pushed, a stupid smirk on his face, "scared?"


"No" she shot back, noticing Harry's eyes flickering between herself and Cal, before quickly down to where she was holding tightly onto Ethan.

Good, she told herself, he should feel jealous. Of course, that was just the anger talking, her mind still set on the image of Lucy's hands rubbing into his back.

Obviously, it wasn't the end of the world, she was well aware that there was probably a good explanation for it, probably as simple as none of the lads wanting to do it, but it still irked her.

"Go on then" Freezy's voice caught her mind, "jump in" the smirk never leaving.

Lux held his GoPro higher, stiffing a laugh as Ethan joined his side, no longer there for her to hold onto.

"Lads-" Harry started to speak, concern in his voice before Ethan cut him off.

"You won't" he laughed, taking a step towards the girl, arms raised like he was going to push her.

Milas breath caught in her throat at the thought of the deepwater below her, her irrational fear floating around her mind, air not reaching her lungs properly.

"She doesn't have to-" Harry started again, only to be interrupted a second time.

"Come on lass, you can do it" Ethan stepped closer, his hands raised higher, humour on his face as he giggled at her scared face, not knowing the seriousness of the situation.

"No!" Was the last thing she heard before hands touched her shoulder, pushing harshly, her body falling from the top deck, the glass going with her.

Written: 15th January 2021
Published: 20th January 2021
Edited: 27th June 2023
Big up everyone from boro in the comments also thanks for all the love on this story and my other its insane :)

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