Missing You

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Katara's POV

Today I spent the day with Aang, at home, literally doing nothing, and it was amazing, we didn't go out, we didn't get changed, we became sloths and relaxed, Bumi wasn't much trouble, he'd cry occasionally only to be fed or because he wants attention and then he'll sleep. "hey guys!", Sokka walked in taking off his jacket and shoes.

"Sokka! How did it go?", Aang sat up with a smile as we sat on the couch together, "oh yeah went amazingly", Sokka blushed and before I could question what was happening the door bell rang and both Sokka and Aang jumped then ran to the door. "Pizza!", they both yelled and thanked the pizza guy before walking back in with some boxes of pizza. We opened them and began to eat, "so how was your guys day?", Sokka spoke with a mouthful of food.

"It was nice, really cozy", Aang smiled at me then at his slice of pizza and took a bite but caught Bumi staring at him. "Sorry buddy, I can't share, you're not supposed to eat this", Aang chuckled then began to frown as Bumi kept staring at him, "okay maybe just a little-", he tore off a bit from his slice. "No you don't", I raised a brow at him watching him eat it to make sure he wouldn't feed Bumi any.

He began to cry, Sokka moved closer to him, "don't cry about it Bumi, you can have it when your older, then you'll have the fast food experience", Bumi's cries turned to small giggles as Sokka spoke, Bumi finds him hilarious, god knows why. After eating I cleared everything away, the boys were talking and the atmosphere was really good, like a warm feeling, it felt like a home again. "You would've loved Aang y'know Gran Gran, you really would've", I spoke my thoughts as I cleaned things up in the kitchen.

"Talking to yourself again I see?", Aang stood in the door frame with a smirk on his face, "shut up", I looked over my shoulder and smiled back at him shaking my head and continued to clean. "Why don't you take a break?", He walked over and stood behind me, wrapping his arms around me pushing up against my back, "because I've been taking a break all day babe", I kept smiling, he makes me feel so good.

"Then keep taking a break, maybe we can do it, in the bedroom?", he turned me around and moved in, our faces close together, looking in each other's eyes, our lips almost touching, this boy always surprises me. "Again? You sure?", I looked him up and down putting my hands on his chest, "I'm more then sure, c'mon", he picked me up putting me over his shoulder. "Aang!", I laughed as he took me upstairs, "Sokka can you keep an eye on Bumi for me? I'll be back down shortly!", "no she won't!", Aang chuckled.

Zuko's POV

After work my uncle and I usually take a walk but he was too busy checking over the tea room, I decided to walk by myself, it was raining but that didn't bother me, if anything it made me feel more alive. "Zuzu", I looked behind me to see Azula, she held an umbrella over her and walked over, "can I walk with you?", she asked, what's she plotting?

"Sure", I shrugged and walked with her, she walked by my side but kept her umbrella over herself, "is there a reason why you wanted to see me?", I asked looking forward. "I wanted to talk about father, and the academy", I knew there was something, "what about it?", I glanced at her. "I wish to make a deal, we both have the academy, Zuko you don't want it anyway, and we both know it's rightfully mine", Azula frowned as she spoke.

"Rightfully? Azula who said it was rightfully yours? You don't deserve it, you've been nothing but a bad person, you aren't a people person, you'd ruin the academy, father barely sees you and yet he knows that too", I sighed. "I've worked so hard to please him, to show my worth, and how much he needs me, and father isn't exactly full of sunshine and rainbows himself", Azula kept her temper under control surprisingly.

Whilst we were walking we didn't pay attention to where we were going, turns out we were headed to the park where our mother used to take us, to feed the ducks, and I loved them so much I sat at the duck pond at my old school when I was younger and thought of her when watching the ducks splash in the water. Whenever I'm happy, I think of her, she was the only reason for my happiness when I was a child. "Look at that, we subconsciously made it to mothers pitiful duck pond", Azula rolled her eyes.

"You can't say that, you have fond memories here yourself, you used to mess around with Ty Lee and Mai here remember? That's the tree where you would play gymnastics, and you'd try and copy Ty Lee and fail", I laughed softly. "I didn't fail, I succeeded sometimes, and the fountain? Don't forget that, that's where Ty Lee and I pushed you and Mai in and laughed at you both, wet and stupid", Azula smirked as she looked at the fountain.

"And here", I looked down at where we were stood, "this is where we fed the ducks, we used to eat most of the bread and hide it from mother, then throw whatever we had left for them to eat", I smiled. "Ah yes, and I always hit a duck every single time I threw a piece, I was remarkably good at that and very proud of it too", Azula looked at where I was looking, "but mother wasn't, she never was proud of me, only of you".

"You pushed her away", I kept looking at the pond, "she never loved me, you were perfect, I was misbehaved", Azula frowned holding onto her umbrella with both hands. "She loved us both, she cared about you a lot, always worried about you", I turned to her, "not like she cared about you though". We stopped talking for a moment, letting in our surroundings.

"You can have the academy", I said bluntly, "what?", Azula raised a brow and looked at me, "you're right I don't want the stupid academy, that's fathers, and you need to have something to do I suppose", I shrugged then smiled at her. She smiled back, "thank you", she said quietly, "what was that?", I chuckled, "don't push it", she raised a hand ready to hit me, "alright alright".

"Do you think she misses us?", Azula asked looking back at the water, watching the rain hit the surface, "I'm sure she does", I put my hands in my pockets and shivered, I hate the cold. Azula stepped closer and held her umbrella over us both, I looked up at it then at her, "I miss her too", Azula smiled softly not taking her eyes off the pond.

And just like that, we were siblings again.

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