Not long now

413 19 28

Suki's POV

Time at school has flown by, it feels like only yesterday we all got back from the school trip, but it's actually been a couple months since then, it's the end of November, it's crazy to think about how much has changed, what friendships have been lost and what have been gained, before summer I was determined that I was going to get a kiss from Sokka under the mistletoe this year, but now, I'm not even thinking about him in that way at all, I see him as a friend, even a brother, we're close again. A group of us were sat together in the defence club room. Sokka, Ty Lee, Yue and Jet.

"So how is your relationship going with Toph?", Jet sat beside Sokka whilst he rolled up a cigarette. "It's okay, the same relationship", Sokka shrugged, he hasn't been himself lately, I have a feeling it's because of Toph, but I don't want to jump to any conclusions. "You okay Suki?", Yue smiled and sat beside me, very close beside me, she looked into my eyes every time she talked to me, I don't see her doing it with anyone else, I wonder what makes me so special. "I'm good, sorry I was day dreaming", I laughed softly and felt her lean against me. This is friendly and fine right? Ty Lee watched as she stretched near us and raised a brow giving me a look, "you two look comfortable", she smiled at us both and gave me a wink. What did that mean?

"You're surprisingly warm, god knows how because it's freezing", Yue got even closer. "You coming out to smoke?", Jet looked at Sokka, "sure", he simply responded and stood up with him. "Wait you smoke?", I tilted my head as I watched them both get up. "I do now", Sokka shrugged and walked out with Jet. "Katara is going to be super angry if she finds out!", I yelled before they left. "I feel like I haven't seen Katara in a while", Ty Lee spoke as she stood on her hands, walking around in the space. "That's because she's heavily pregnant and can't come into school, I've told you that so many times Ty Lee", I shook my head and chuckled, Yue moving closer. "I'm so not ready I'm so not ready I'm so not ready!!", Aang burst in with Zuko walking behind him. "As you can see Aang is pretty nervous at the moment", Zuko said calmly.

"It's all this baby stuff, what if I dress it and I put it's pants on it's head and it's shirt on it's legs? What if I accidentally put it in the oven like some kind of Tofu!?", Aang sat down and continued to panic, getting out a load of books on parenthood for him to read. "Well I can speak for all of us when I say, please don't mistake your own child for Tofu", Yue giggled softly. "When is it due Aang?", I picked up one of the books and examined it. "I don't know a couple of weeks? wait no, a week? no it's sooner then that. It's days away, only a couple of days", the panic grew as he realised that he was going to be a father very soon.

"You shouldn't be stressed about it, you should be excited, this is a whole new life you're going to show the world to, you'll have a cute little baby in your arms soon!", Ty Lee sat down with a bright smile on her face. "You want children?", Zuko looked at her, she nodded but her smile faded, "I'm not likely too though, it's a lot more complicated for me, medically, and because of my sexual preference", "and your lover, Azula despises kids", Zuko added, making Ty Lee blush. "I'm sure Azula would be a great parent!!", she argued back to defend her girlfriend. "What about you Zuko?", Yue asked.

"Of course, I'd love to, but I think I could only handle one, Suki? How about you?", Zuko asked. "Me? I'm not sure, I don't want one but I don't not want one", I shrugged with an awkward laugh, what was with me today? "Yue?", I looked into her eyes like she does to me. "I'm not sure, I'd like future me to decide", she smiled softly. "How many do you want Aang?", Zuko turned to the monk who seemed to be reading a book upside down. "Huh? Hmm well, as many as I can have I suppose, I want to have a big family, I want three as a minimum", he replied putting the book down, the conversation seemed to calm him down. We all talked together, teasing and making each other laugh, but soon enough it was time to go home. "Say hi to Katara for us, I hope she's well!", I waved as Sokka and Aang walked down the hall.

"I better go home too, see you guys in the morning", Zuko smiled and walked in the other direction, Jet left without saying a word. "Ty Lee, ready to go?", Azula stood further down the hall, "sure thing!", Ty Lee waved then looked at Yue and I, hugging us both."See you tomorrow!", she giggled as she ran over to Azula jumping into her arms, they left. It was just Yue and I. This was awkward, did we just have a weird friendship? "I'll see you", "yeah see you", Yue looked up then smiled. "Look at that, a mistletoe", I looked up with her and blushed softly. She kissed my cheek and walked away. "Have a goodnight".

I wanted a kiss from Sokka under the mistletoe at the beginning of this year, and I just got kissed on the cheek from Yue under the mistletoe. I'm okay with that right? No? Yes?


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