Chapter 30 : Revelation

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She felt hurt, betrayed, and tired

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She felt hurt, betrayed, and tired. All the feelings she bottled up, hidden in her own closet of bones, were trying to escape. She tried so hard to control it, she couldn't, shouldn't.

She needed to be the nice, forgiving senki kudo they all know.

Let's go back to a few hours.

"It's nice to see you again. Senki." A girl said, her red hair short as her green eyes looked at Senki's blue ones.

"Amber." she greeted, her voice a bit forced as they shook hands. Everybody could see how the grip would tighten, sparks between their eyes and the tensions high.

"Cleaning up our mess." Amber said, a sharp look to her subordinates. She was a FBI agent with a high position, beneath Evangeline and James but higher than Akai, Jodie and most of the agents.

"It seems my subordinates are dumping all their work onto you" she let go of the hand as she bowed "I deeply apologized, I didn't teach them to be such sloths." she said.

"It's fine." she waved it off except it wasn't, she was tired having no sleep or rest. They had dumped their work onto her.

"You people, apologize." she said sharply to the agents. Pride in their eyes they didn't. "You-" she clicked her tongue.

"Why should we apologize to her? The higher ups have told us to use her as we see fit."

Will watched as Amber walked towards the woman who said that and slapped her face "'Use her' she's not a fucking tool, she's human."

She pointed a finger towards the woman "I'll have you all demoted. I thought, I taught you all better than this."

The woman scoffed "She's just a black sheep, why help her?"

Senki merely watched, quiet, seemingly indifferent with insults and glares thrown at her. Amber was defending her, Senki remembered how she and amber 'hated each other', which changed after the fire.

"I'm deeply sorry." Amber said once again as she had made them all left, Will waiting outside for Senki.

"It's fine. At least you tried to make it better." Senki shrugged, her eyes grew a bit dimmer than usual.

Amber sighed handing her a folder, "I can't disobey the higher ups, but after this you'll have a few days off."

"I see" senki took the folder and left, but just as she was about to leave the door, Amber called her "Senki. . I'm really sorry for all the years, I've tormented you."

Senki nodded. Leaving the red haired girl who pulled her phone out,

"Hey it's me." she said.

"I'm trying to get close to her, just like you asked" she released an annoyed sigh "She isn't buying it. I told you, I can't be the one to do it."

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