Chapter 11: Even Out The Odds

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John's (Number Four) POV

I shower after training and pull on some clean clothes. I sneak out past the Avox people and our mentor and head for the elevator. I go up to the tenth floor and unlock the door with my telekinesis and slip through the living room.

"What are you doing?"

I jump three feet in the air and I turn to see the kid Antonio leaning against the door frame.

"Gawd you scared me!" I pant. This kid has a tendency to pop up when we don't need him. He's two steps away from blowing our secrets.

"Sorry, but what are you doing?"

"I'm...I'm going to visit Christina?"

"She's in there, but how do you guys know each other? How did all of you get up to her room last night?"

"Through the door." I state, trying to sound obvious.

"I only heard the door open once or twice, there were like...eleven of you in there last night."

"T-That's crazy." I stammer.

"I know what I saw."

"You were tired...I know I was and I think there might've been two or three, plus Christina..."

"That's a load of..."

To my great relief Christina's head pops out of her room and interrupts.

"John..." She's trying to ignore Antonio for the moment. "Phone's for you. Hey, Antonio."

I slip in behind Christina and go up to the awaiting phone.


"Hi Handsome"

My heart skips a few beats and a huge smile spreads across my face. Just to hear her voice again cheers me right up. I get that dizzying feeling that always comes when I'm near or close to Sarah, even though she might be miles away at the time.

"I'm so happy to hear from you" I sigh into the mouth piece.

"I miss you" She says it in such a way that I know she's smiling.

"Miss you more, but are you safe?"

"Yes, Holly and Maggie picked me up last night."

I sigh again, a wave of relief washes over me knowing that she's with One and Two, not alone and vulnerable with all the Peacekeepers running around.

"That's good to hear." I say.

"We just grabbed Mark and we're heading for Sam before we go to the party."

It feels really weird to be saying things like this, but it's just to cover ourselves in case the phones are tapped.


"How was training?"

"To be honest pretty boring."

"I'm sure it was for a strong guy like you" she giggles.

I think I hear Mark groan in annoyance. The fact that she's flirting within earshot of him probably makes him mad and the fact we're in the middle of a war here makes it completely unnecessary. I don't mind it very much, just to hear from her and that she's okay makes me laugh at her joke. I feel myself tear up a bit. It's only been a few days, but I still miss her and with all of us under surveillance I just want her to be safe.

"Oh Holly wants to talk to you. I'll say good bye here. I love you."

"I love you too." I smile. Somehow I just know that she's smiling too.

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