Chapter 8: Love is a Dangerous Game

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Marina's (Number Seven) POV

        I sit by the window and stare at the city. It looks really beautiful at night, the lights illuminating the infinite black void. I see the lights as stars, each one twinkling, each one a planet that needs to be explored. I really want to know which star or constellation is Lorien...our real home. But I know that with the city lights, you can't see the actual stars. It's sad in a way, I liked staring at the stars, I could even miss the view from the convent. The lights of the tiny town and the infinite diamonds beyond the mountains.

        I just wish I was out there enjoying it. I wonder if they had a park that Eight and I could walk through, maybe a lake that we could walk along together. The fresh air, not a care in the world. Of course I'm only dreaming. We're stuck here until we're dropped in the death arena. I really want to get out. The only place where we have a little bit of fresh air and freedom is the roof, but even then, Nine say's there's a force field that throws you back on the roof. It really didn't take a genius to figure out how he figured that out. I start to wonder if he's turned it some kind of game, jumping off and allowing himself to be thrown back. Only Nine could make a game out of something so dangerous and stupid.

        I start practising my telekinesis, tossing my pillow from the window and back again. I really don't care if someone is watching me right now, we're being sentenced to death by the Mogs and Setrakus Ra so it doesn't really matter who sees us or not. It's not like they can broadcast our powers to the world without starting riots and the questions about scientific discovery as they know it.

        I'm starting to get into it. I concentrate and allow the cold to rise up from my spine and propel the ice forward. Sharp icicles rise up from the floor and go where I want them to. I aim for the wall and send each icicle sailing forward and when I clench my fist, they shatter into harmless crystals on the floor. I don't want to get in serious trouble with the Capitol, at least not yet. I continue forming long ice strips around me reaching towards the ceiling and create an almost labyrinth type cave around me. I feel at home a bit, surrounded by a familiar element. This is the legacy that I need to control the most, it goes insane with my emotions, mostly my anger and I've been feeling plenty angry lately.

        I feel refreshed in this little cove I've made, like I've escaped the daily stresses of being in a society's death games and being filmed constantly. I feel like I finally have some privacy. I decide to meditate. Eight's been teaching me some methods to breath and relax so my Cryokinesis can be controlled better. Although it doesn't help much when he's there, his presence alone makes my heart go wild. Last night we were making out in frigid temperatures. I don't know why, but this legacy is harder to control, I assume it's because this is directly connected to my mood and emotions.

       I take a few deep breaths and push the stresses from my mind. I decide to try to go into a trance like state. Apparently John, Six and Christina were in similar states when they recalled some of their childhood memories. I've never asked the others if they could recall anything from their childhood besides the invasion. I seriously doubt Ella can and Two too, they were both pretty young when we came here, but I've never asked the others. One told me she can only remember a birthday party and playing on our planet, but that's all. I guess we never really had the chance to enjoy Lorien, we were all so young, the prospect actually makes me a bit sad. Something the Mogs stole from us.

         I never really thought to even ask Adelina about my parents or grandparents, which was pretty pointless for the longest time so I was basically out of options for trying to remember my past. I guess now's a good time to at least try.

        I clear my mind and take a deep breath. I allow myself to sink deeper and deeper into my unconsciousness.

"Show me..." I say gently.

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