Chapter 18: Et Tu to Caesar

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John's (Number Four) POV

I'm fitted up in a nice blue suit, one that matches my eyes really well, as Sarah would say. I stand in front of a mirror, adjusting my sleeves. despite the weird costume that my stylist wanted me to wear for the parade, she actually did a good job with my suit. I'm fixing the tie when I see someone peer around one of the back curtains of the dressing rooms. It's Christina, dressed in a light purple dress that reaches down to her knees, embroidered with black threaded designs and she's been fitted with black flats to complete the look.

"Hey." she says.

"Hey." I respond, trying to fix my tie so it's not strangling.

"Let me help you with that." she says, coming to me and fixes the tie properly. I look up at her and I can see the strain underneath the make up. Her eyes look tired and very worried.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I got inside Ella's head." She whispers.

"What? How?!" I say loudly and realize that I should be quieter.

"Telepathy." she says. She scans around to make sure that no one else is around out. "Once I got in was hell! Ella's trapped in this vision of what could be the future."

"What did you see?"

"Hell, literally! The Capitol, although a much needed improvement on the city...was burning... People burning and the Mogs... oh gawd the Mogs. they had invaded and Ra.." she swallowed hard. "And Ella...Ella"

"Will all tributes please proceed to the side of the stage. Filming will begin in 5 minutes." a voice of the speaker system interrupts us.

"Tell me as we go." I assure her.

We exit from my dressing room and start down the hall to where we're supposed to line up before we go onstage.

"Ra was the ruler and Ella was... his heir I think it was."

"WHAT?!" I hiss loudly.

"I know I couldn't believe it either, I didn't want to believe it, but she was next to him and she..." she choked up and tried to fight tears.

"What? WHAT?!" I ask anxiously.

"Nine and Six were in there too, as prisoners and... she ordered their execution."

My jaw drops in shock as we round the corner to where all the other tributes are lining up, girls first and then guys. Christina looks down to where she has to be and rubs the back of her neck.

"I have to go..." she says.

"We'll talk more later." I whisper in her ear and we separate. I walk in behind my district partner, who is dressed in a turquoise dress with white lace covering the top layer.

I re-adjust my tie and watch the monitor that has the stage on screen. All the other tributes wait anxiously for their time on stage.

The announcer's voice comes onto the overhead speaker.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Your master of ceremonies... Caesar Flickerman."

There is huge applause as we're shooting this in front of a live audience and a man walks on stage. Caesar looks like anyone else in the Capitol would, under heavy make-up, hair that is sliding back to show his age and is heavily gelled and dyed whatever colour he fancies. I learned that he changes his look every Hunger Games. This year his lips, hair and eyelids are dyed blue. He wears a dark blue suit with mini light bulbs to keep the audience interested. He gives the audience a toothy grin, with bleached white teeth that could blind anyone.

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