Chapter 4: Tributes on Parade

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Katniss' POV

"It's only synthetic fire, you'll be perfectly safe." Cinna re-assures us.

        Peeta and I are in matching costumes, black unitards with leather boots. In a few moments before the doors open and the chariots take off, Cinna will torch our capes and my head dress. I'm really nervous about it and so is Peeta. We made an agreement that if we do start to burn, we'll rip each others cape off.


Christina's (Number Ten) POV

        The anthem begins and the first few chariots get ready to roll out. I look over at the others. The suits are lighting up properly for Adam and Five. John, Nine and Eight look buff enough to make all the girls go wild. Six and Marina look beautiful and I hope I look okay too. I fix my braids and suck in the stomach, maybe I can turn on a few boys tonight. I know my district tribute can't keep his eyes from wondering. I don't mind, but I do have a boyfriend.

Good to go? I ask the others.



I guess so

At least I don't look like a dork... 

Time to get the ladies screaming

        I roll my eyes. I look behind me and I see what the final districts have planned. For District 11, it's farm gear, overalls and silver crowns for some reason. In the back I see the District 12 girl and guy being lit on fire. Genius idea. At least they have a decent stylist, maybe he can give me some tips about enhancing costume designs. I catch myself, realizing this'll be the last Hunger Games, if we have anything to say about it.

        Our chariot begins to move and I'm hit with a wave of sound. The roars and screams of the crowd overwhelm my ears so much that I'd wished I'd worn earplugs. I can't even imagine what it'll be like for Nine. I look at myself on the giant TV screen showing the broadcast, I look alright, a bit sexy and stylish. I don't know whether to smile or not, so I give it a shot. I hear hoots from some boys as we go along the street. I hate being in larger crowds because its overwhelming to hear everyone's thoughts. Nothing too interesting, but it never hurts to keep the mind open.

        A louder roar comes from behind us. It must be District 12, the idea is so great that I have to talk to their stylist. I figure that at least the attentions not on us for now. Let them have their moment in the spotlight, they don't have legacies like we do to survive. Our chariot goes in front of President Snow's mansion. He steps to the podium and addresses the crowd. I try to lock eyes with him. I can tell he's getting death stares from all the Loric tributes. I try to focus in on his mind, what kind of crap are the Mogs putting him up to? I find hard to focus on the one mind, it's weird because I've never had issues focusing before. I squint hard and grab the edge of my chariot tightly. He gives a small speech about welcoming this year's tributes before the chariots move into the Training Centre. I keep my eye on him the entire time, but he walks away before our eyes can meet. This doesn't stop me from talking to him telepathically

Just you wait I tell him. You are going to regret everything.

I can't tell if he got the message or not.

        We enter the building that'll house us until the Games begin. We're going to be training and stuff for the next few days, we'll be graded, we'll have interviews and a bunch of other crap before we actually get to the Games. This'll give us tonnes of time to think of a strategy together.

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