Chapter 24: Trust is a Double Edged Sword

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Number Five's POV

The gong goes off, it's begun. The battle for our lives. 

I'm hesitating on my platform, deciding to watch the others kill each other for no other reason. I decide that I'll need some before cover before it's safe to come and join the Careers. I run for the woods and take cover behind a tree. 

I watch the scattered forms of the other tributes wither and disappear into the woods, or fall to the ground.

I can't tell which one is my sister, but I know she's smart enough to she can't be killed...conventionally anyways.

I wait for the cannons to go off. Two blasts do go off, but I do see two tributes get up and run. I assume that John carried out his plan to help as many tributes as possible. Once the hovercraft picks up the two bodies, I stroll out nonchalantly and head towards the Cornucopia in the bright sunlight.

Once I get near the supplies I see Clove's face light up with a small smile.

"Hey" she says, sorting through the assortment of knives given.

"Hey" I say back.

Cato comes up to me and shoves me out of his way.

"Cyclopes." he mutters

"Douche bag" I respond with spite.

He grabs the collar of my coat and tries to lift me off the ground.

"Listen here, the only reason I'm not ripping your head off right now is because Clove says you're useful. I trust her more than anyone else, but I still haven't forgiven you for what happened in the cafeteria and once this alliance thing is over, I'm going to be on your ass faster than you can breath."

I'm hardly intimidated by Cato's words. I've had a lot worse said and done to me than what Cato's threatening. (Right Marina?)  Once he lets go of my collar, I stare him in the eye and snort.

"Look forward to it." I smirk at him.

I know I could beat Cato easily. I'm a hell of a lot stronger than him, plus I can fly and make my skin metal whenever I want. I could snap his neck and move on to win.

I look over at Clove who's chatting with that other girl...Glimmer. Both are talking seriously and hardly look at anyone else, not the typical way that most girls their age would talk. I guess I'm so used to seeing my sister laugh and giggle with the other Garde, that I'd expect all girls to be like that.

I put my sister out of my mind and move towards the piles of stuff. 

I decide the best place to start is by arming myself with all these weapons. I go through things from knives, swords, clubs, maces, tridents and sickles (some kind of farm tool). I pick up a knife at one point and use its reflection in the sun to shine it next to Clove. At first, she ignores it and continues talking with Glimmer, but I make the light reflection dance and see how much time it would take for her to get annoyed. Eventually she looks at me and glares. She goes back to Glimmer, but I make the reflection even more intense and make it act like a strobe light. This time she flips me the bird and mouths for me to stop it.

I don't know why, but I just want to piss her off. Make her feel angry so she'll pay attention to me. I do it once more and she chucks a knife at me. I manage to duck and the knife lodges itself in the metal of the Cornucopia. I can't help, but laugh .

"You missed." I taunt.

"I meant to. Next time you toy  with this..." she indicates the knife. "will go through your fat head."

"Oooo so scary" I tease.

Clove sticks her tongue out and does her best to ignore me from then on.

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