Chapter 9: New Nightmares

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Christina's (Number Ten) POV

        I know I've reached out to the two love birds. I really hate to interrupt their romantic moment, but One and Two have made contact and Ella's in trouble.

        I'm on the phone with Blake, he's frantic. He called me an hour ago in a panic. He said that Ella had collapsed and she's having a seizure like crazy. He tried to wake her, but she's thrashing too much for him to help her.

"Her eyes are rolling back into her head!" he says, giving me a minute by minute of what's happening. I reached out to the others, but I'm not sure if they've heard me. "She's burning up!"

"Stay calm!" I say. "Just make sure she doesn't hit her head"

I hear a knock at my window. I lift the latch and Nine comes climbing into the room with Adam right behind him.

"What's wrong?" Nine asks.

"Ella's in some kind of fit!" I say breathlessly.

"Is she alright?" he asks.

"Would I have called you if she wasn't?!"  I bark in frustration. "Sorry..."

"Let me talk to him." Adam says and I hand him the phone.

"Blake?" He says into the mouthpiece.

I start pacing back in forth. Where are the others? I stare out the window, waiting for Three, Five. I pace by the door, waiting for Six's invisible grasp. I knew Marina and Eight were going to be awhile, it took a few minutes for me to get in touch with them. I really hate to interrupt their moments, but Ella is in pain and could be in danger.

Where are you?! I scream into my head, my patience and worry hitting over drive.

        I hear a knock at the door. I open it, expecting to find Six's long raven hair and maybe John's blonde hair, instead I look into the tired eyes of Antonio.

"Is everything alright?" he mumbles, looking at his feet. "I heard the commotion! I just wanted to warn you not to wake our mentor, he's fighting one of the worst hang overs ever and he might not want the noise "

"I really don't care about him, my sister has collapsed and is...having a seizure!"

"Oh my g...Is she in the hospital?"

"No, my...boyfriend is with her, but he can't get a hold of her and he doesn't want to hurt her."

"Boyfriend?" I can hear the surprise in his voice. I read in his mind, he was hoping I was single. I like him, but only as a friend and potential ally.

"Where are your parents?"

"They died long time ago" I say quickly. I feel kind of bad that I have to lie to Antonio, he's a nice guy and he's the kind of person who wants you to be honest with him. "I raise my sister with my boyfriend."

        I can tell that Antonio is trying to look over my shoulder. I know what he's going to ask next, how did Nine and Adam get into the room without him seeing them? I'm trying to think of a logical answer, when Six and John come through, fortunately visibly.

"Is she alright?" John asks, hardly noticing the unfamiliar presence in the room.

"No, Adam's on the phone with her" I explain.

"What about the..." Six pauses, seeing Antonio. " sister and best friend, have they called?"

"Yeah..." I answer, thinking of quick names for One and Two. "Maggie and Holly called before Blake called me"

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