Chapter 34: It Begins

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Christina (Number Ten's) POV

I wake up out of the vision, feeling warm and comfortable, but that may just be from the fire. Ella and I did a good job bringing the others together, even if it was only in our minds. I was happy to see Blake and also discovering a new component of my telepathy, but again my heart sinks when I think about Ella. Being held by Ra and he seems to be poisoning her with some kind of black liquid. There are so many questions that I want to be answered, but neither Ella or anyone else had the answers. If only I could get into Ra's head.

I shudder at the thought.

Could I? I think. I could get into Ella's and Ra was able to do the same to me, John, Nine, Eight etc. 

It's time someone scared him a little bit. I think to myself.

I close my eyes and concentrate. I know it will be harder to get into Ra's head than it was with Ella. I want to experiment with my telepathy, see how far it can go.

I'm in darkness. It is absolutely silent, the only thing I can hear is my heartbeat. I picture the despicable man in my mind, at least how I last saw him. I concentrate.

My heart beat intensifies as I travel through what feels like black smoke, thick and impenetrable. There is little, light to see anything, but I push on. My brain begins to hurt, badly. it feels like I'm fighting against an avalanche of snow or a stampede of elephants. I focus on my breathing as much as possible. Clearly, Ra doesn't want me in his head.  I hear voices around me, dark voices, demonic in nature. I can't be afraid, not anymore.

I begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel of black smoke. I push the hardest I ever had, forcing myself into this white light. There is heat around me now, my entire body burns as if I'm on fire. I'm fighting against strong, wind with intent to tear me apart.

You will not keep me out! I growl in my head. I gasp for air and give one more intense push towards the light.

I open my eyes, I'm in a war room. Many computers blink around me, a lot of them more advanced than any others I've seen. My head is throbbing from fighting so hard, but now it is worth it. I slowly walk around, knowing that I am merely a visitor in his head, he can't see me. I go up to a 3 dimensional model of what looks like a dome with rocks, trees, rivers, and various terrains. I see eight blinking lights on the inside, all of them scattered. It takes me a moment to realize that this is us. Ra is watching us, having information about The Games and the trackers in our arms. I look down at the black thing around my upper arm. I dig my nails in a desperate attempt to remove it. These trackers are our weakness, it's to Ra's advantage that he knows where we are at all times. I look around at all the other computers, many of blinking on charts. I see the forms of what look like space ships hovering.

So this is all he thinks about? I wonder to myself. About the invasion

Certainly, a voice answers.

My heart stops and I turn around. I see a lone figure standing at a window. His black form blocks out the stars around him. I see the purple scar and I know who it is. I clench my fists and remind myself that this is a vision, he can't see, hear or feel anything, even if I want to rip his head off, but who just said that?

Ra suddenly turns as if he can see me.

"Welcome Aralia..." he says with a toothy grin. "Welcome to my humble abode."

I swallow hard. I can't show fear in front of him.

"Not so easy to get into the master's head is it?" he smiles.

"You call yourself a master..." I hiss angrily. "You're a monster."

"You flatter me."

"Let Ella go!" I yell at him. It takes all my strength not to run over and punch him "She may be your granddaughter but she'll never join you."

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