Chapter 32: Feathered Messenger

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John (Number Four's) POV

I wake up from the vision. I feel a bit better after seeing Sarah and everyone else. Even though this was a manifestation of Ella and Christina's minds, I felt like we were really there, but now that we're out, I start to miss Sarah even more. I am a little mad at Christina for not telling me that she and Blake were wounded in the Mog attack that abducted Ella, but I don't need to break up the team over something rather small. Sarah is fine and safe, it's all I needed to hear. It gives me the strength for what we're going to have to do next.

I sit up and stretch as the morning light comes into the arena. I know it's time to find everyone, especially Adam, who is going to help take down the arena. It's time to finish this war and end Ra for good.

I light up my Lumen to scan for anything unusual, the tree giving me a good vantage point. Everything is quiet, except a few birds chirping in the early morning mist.

One comes and lands on a nearby branch. It begins to sing.

Hello, I say, using my communication ability.

The bird stops and looks at me. It's an unusual kind of bird, grey, with a pointed head and orange feet. I'm no expert on birds, but I've never seen one like this before.

Are you talking to me, Sir? it asks in confusion.

Yes , I am, I answer.

How? it asks.

I'm special, I can talk to animals.

Amazing! it says. You're just like our forefathers


We're Mockingjays Sir. We're offspring of what were known as Jabberjays, birds that could communicate human speech, they were used during the Dark Days, the war between the humans, to spy on enemies and bring back information. They were eventually freed and mated with mockingbirds. Now we can't talk anymore, but we can sing human tunes.

That's interesting. I nod. 

Now we simply fly around and sing. We're free to do what we want until this glass bubble went up.

The arena. I explain.

Right for the Death Games.

Yes,  I agree.

Senseless waste I must say, the bird shakes it head. We birds will never understand humans.

Sometimes we humans can't understand each other... I add.

You're the first human who could ever talk back to us though and we could understand.

I'm not human. I say. I am an alien from a distant planet and we all come with special gifts one of mine is communicating with other living creatures.

I've seen some of your people's work!! the bird chirps excitedly. Several of my brothers saw the spectacle of your...things. We had never seen anything like it!

We were sent here because another alien race destroyed our planet. The alien race is here on earth now and we believe is working with the President of Panem.

Ah, but what are you doing in here sir? Trapped like a bird in a cage! the bird asks quizzically.

We were forced into the Death Games by the President, we're trying to break out and end Panem as well as this war between our species and the other aliens.

Then we will be free? the Mockingjay asks.

Yes, you and the humans. I suddenly get an idea. I was wondering if you might be able to help me?

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