Chapter 19: Assessing Assassin

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Antonio's POV

I'm tossing and turning in bed. I can't get comfortable and I'm scared about tomorrow. More importantly I'm scared about what I have to do to stay alive. The black eyed general made it clear that I could live if I did a few things for him and that includes killing my district partner and people who have been nice to me. 

 The problem is why them specifically? We're all supposed to kill each other, but the odds of me killing all of them is highly unlikely, only one can win the Games. What makes them so special from the others? How do they know each other anyways. I can definitely suspect that many of the people on the list I was given know each other, but how?

I roll over again and look out the window. The sights and sounds of the city below are what I want to embrace. I may never see them again...unless I do what this General wants.

What is he the General of anyways? We're not at war. How will he even be capable of rescuing me from the games in that hovercraft that picks up the bodies? What kind of power does he have? What does he have against those people? What threat to they pose?

I can't seem to keep anything straight. I get up out of bed and begin pacing the floor. If I can escape, I could go home. See my sister again. But what's stopping the Capitol from coming after me, hunting me down and killing me and my family?! What if they toss be back into the game to get rid of me? What if this General is just lying to me and he won't save me?

I go to the bathroom and get a cup of water. I down the whole thing quickly and re-fill. When I'm very nervous and confused, I tend to drink a lot. 

I look at myself in the mirror. My shaggy hair hangs down over my eyes. Mom was always telling me that I should let her cut it, but I refused. The adolescence in me wanting to rebel. Something my sister loved to pull at when she was young. I did not allow the prep team to cut it because it as the last piece I brought from home. Made me feel


Why me? Of all people why did this creep pick me? I'm not strong, I'm not skilled, my knee is crap. My score reflects it pretty why did he pick me. He could've bribed any other district tributes to do it, ones that were more than capable.

I start to think hard about why I was chosen? Did this general see something in me that I can't see myself? Was he desperate...?


I ponder on that last word. I chew on it and then swallow. I take another sip of water and bite my lip.

I start to piece together the answer. The other, stronger tributes wouldn't want to be taken out of the Games because they prepare for it their whole lives. If they were offered the chance, I'm sure ninety percent would turn it down. Tributes from the lower districts, like mine hate this situation and don't want to be put in the arena. We are desperate to save ourselves from all kinds of danger because we're not as skilled. We'll do literally anything to escape.

But me...? Did this general know about my conversations with Christina and the fact I'm watching some unknown events unfold around me. I'm aware of some big secret that none of my other fellow tributes know about. How does he know about this? Is he watching me?

I climb back into bed, the picture slightly more clear. I leave a full glass of water on the side nightstand. I lie down and pull the list from under my pillow. I read the names over until I've memorized them completely.

I crumple the paper up and throw it in the trash bin. I take another few sips and try to go back to sleep.

When I wake up in the morning, my glass is empty.

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