Chapter 5: Strategy

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 John 's (Number Four) POV       

        I hear from Christina after everyone is in bed. This is what I've been waiting for. I hop out of bed and go for the windows. I shine my Lumen upwards towards the sky. I'm only on the fourth floor, this is going to be difficult. Six is able to turn invisible, Five can fly, Nine has anti-gravity, so does Three and Eight can teleport. They have the useful legacies for stealth. My hands light up like a lighthouse beacon, it's a more offensive weapon.

        The wind is blowing in my face and hair as I figure out a way to get up there. The lights and sounds of the city below feel out of place. Sarah and I had grown accustomed to the sounds of the waves and the occasional caw of the seagulls. We'd often take long walks on the beach together, watching the sunset before having to go in for curfew. It really killed the romantic mood. There are too many restrictions in this society. I just hate that we had to go into hiding again. Henri had always been told to stay away from Panem and now here we are. Right smack in the heart of a corrupt society and in the middle of their games no less. At least not all of us were chosen in the draw. I'm glad Sarah, Sam, Mark, Ella, One and Two were spared. One of the reasons why was One and Two came over from Europe the day of the reaping. They stayed behind after our escape to monitor the Mogs' movements. I think they're in the Capitol by now, but so far nothing. I usually rely on Christina or Ella with their telepathy. I know for sure that we can't use the phones because they are tapped by the guards or the president himself. Knowing the Mogs, they are always watching. 

        I don't think I've felt more violated than coming to this country. There are cameras everywhere and bugs all over the place. They even have a TV show about kids killing each other. It's a twisted form of entertainment. I don't think there is a place that has a decent amount of privacy, but Christina seems to think that we can make some progress on this plan. When we get out of here, I will never ever take alone time for granted, especially with Sarah.

        "John" a voice comes out of nowhere. I hadn't realized that Eight had teleported into the room.

"Hey," I say casually. "How's it going."


"How's your range here?"

"Pretty good. We just need to grab Adam on our way up."

"Sounds good." I take Eight's hand. Everything becomes black for a moment. Next thing I see is a  dark room one floor down. The only light is what's coming from the streets below. My head begins to throb a bit. Teleportation does not agree with me or the other Garde who aren't  used to it. I let my eyes adjust before I try to use my Lumen. If we ended up somewhere other than Adam's room, I don't want to startle anyone or give away our legacies.

"Adam" I hiss into the darkness.


"Come on Adam we have to..."

Still nothing.

"Where could he be?" Eight says under his breath.

I turn my Lumen on and do a quick sweep of the room. Nobody within a hundred feet.

"Did we land in the right area?"

"I think so, maybe I overshot."

        We hear a noise behind us. I shut off my Lumen and we decide to see if the person will just go away. I squeeze Eight's hand.

 "Who the hell is here?! You better watch out! I will kick your..."

"Cato! Why can't you shut up? You need to surprise the burglar!"

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