Chapter 35: Eye of the Storm

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Katniss' POV

"Katniss!! Katniss help me!!"

My eyes fly open. I'm lying on the forest floor, the sun's rays are beating down on me, practically blinding me. I sit upright. I'm still in the arena. My heart is pounding loudly, I don't know where that scream came from and it sounds so familiar. 

"Katniss where are you?!!"

The scream echoes through the forest. It's like the call of a banshee. I turn in desperation, trying to find who's calling me.


It's Rue's voice. The same distressed voice I heard when she was caught in that net yesterday. I'm running as fast as my legs can carry me towards the sounds of distress. My heart is pounding in my ears. I'm sweating in my jacket so hard I just might pass out from dehydration. I'm pushing my body in desperation to find my ally. I follow the echo. 


"Rue!!" I yell out. "Rue where are you?"

"Please, Katniss...!" I hear the fear in her voice, it turns my blood ice cold.

I reach a clearing with an unlit fire. I see Rue tangled in a net. She's screaming desperately, struggling to get free. I can practically see the tears in her eyes. I see a dark figure looming over Rue. She's trapped in the same net like before, only instead of the boy from District 1 standing over her, it's someone else... something else.

This...thing has blank, white eyes, soulless eyes. He's a lot taller than any human I've ever seen. He's bald with large black tattoos on his scalp and long clam like fingers. He clutches a long sword that seems to glow. When he sees me, he grins, showing his row of shark-like teeth. This thing is not might be those aliens the other guys are trying to fight. whatever their called Magadorins or something. They are numbers guys' problem, not ours. This is exactly why I don't want to be part of their war. 

I bravely face the creature head on, but when our eyes meet, I see a lot more than I bargained for.

I see Prim's face, beaten and bloodied, her face is pale, contrasting the wounds on her face. She's laying on the ground, clutching her chest which is also soaked in blood. Her blue eyes crying out to me. A trickle of blood comes from her mouth as she tries to tell me something before she's swallowed into darkness.

I then see my mother, she lies very still, her neck broken and blood pooling under her head, soaking her blonde hair, dying it red. Her eyes glazed over, much like they were when our father died, only more lifeless and clearly having seen unspeakable horrors before dissolving into nothing.

Gale runs towards me, he's bleeding from the mouth and his face is black and blue.

"Run Katniss!" he screams. He grabs onto me and shakes me so hard I think I might get a concussion. "Run for your life!!"

"GALE!" I begin before he vanishes before my very eyes.

"RUN!!" I see Peeta come from behind me and practically shove me forward.

"Katniss go, what are you doing?! Go!" he insists. This is the same vision as before, just after the tracker jacker attack. His pale, blue eyes almost hypnotize me until I see them start to cry blood.

I somehow manage to tear my eyes away from this creature. I refocus and see that I'm not armed at all. I can't protect Rue. The creature raises his sword above his bald head that's glistening in the sunlight and brings it down on the struggling figure of Rue.

"NO!!" I scream out. I try to run towards them but my feet aren't working. I can feel tears running down my face.

"Katniss...Katniss wake up."

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