Chapter 14: Settling the Score

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John's (Number Four) POV

I watch Adam go into the arena with a huge grin on his face. I'm now pumped up and I can feel my palms beginning to glow slightly. I can finally be myself and give a little back to the Capitol. It's been hard trying to keep the legacies a secret, but now is our chance to show our skills.

I feel the ground underneath me rumble slightly, which I know is a shock wave from Adam's legacy. I hide my slight smile while some of the other tributes whisper to each other thinking we had an earthquake. I can hear a few gasps in from behind the door. I hear the my district partner get called in next. I'm sure that Adam made a good impression and hopefully scared a few of those idiot judges.

Everything is quiet for a while until my name is called.

"John Smith."

I stand up without hesitation and go through the door. I'm back in the arena with all the amazing tools and weapons. I look up at these Gamemakers, many of them are talking amongst themselves and eating the lavish food placed out for them.

I decide that I have the freedom to do what I want, so I decided to start off normally before I get their attention. I go over to the knife-throwing stations and pick up a few. I twirl the blade and begin to throw. I'm not great at it, I miss a few of the targets. I can hear the snickers as the judges watch my attempts to impress them. I decide to kick it up a notch.

With an almost wicked grin across my face, I secretly light up my Lumen and ignite the handle of the next knife, and this time I use my telekinesis to make sure it hits the mark. One of the women Gamemakers in the viewing gallery screams when she sees that the dagger is on fire. I lift up another set of knives with my mind, this time in front of everyone. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see their stunned faces. I activate my Lumen and hold it over one of the hovering blades. Slowly, but surely, the metal begins to heat up and almost glow blue under the light shining from my palm. I can hear partial screams and even gasps for air. The blade is now glowing fully blue, something I never knew I could do with this power, it's as if I'm charging the energy within the object. I make sure that everyone is watching and I pitch it with my mind in full view, spearing through the head of the dummy and staying there. I clench my fist and the head of the dummy ignites in flames. I subtly walk over and touch the fire. I can practically hear the screams and the whispers of what the hell I am doing. I let the fire slowly spread onto my arms and consume me piece by piece. Pretty soon I'm a walking fireball. I can see the petrified faces and I look over at some of the targets near the archery range. I create a fireball and pitch it at the target. I get a direct hit. I create a few more fireballs and take aim. One by one I ignite the targets, all while covered in fire. I suddenly feel empowered to put more firepower and I push down with my fire, blasting myself upwards into the air, up towards the rafters. I manage to hover there for a few moments and look at the viewing gallery. I push myself forward with the power of the flames and weave around the ropes course, landing on another obstacle course across the room. I extinguish my flames and practically take a bow in glee. I watch as a few members of staff use fire extinguishers to put out my mess.

"Thank you..." I say and walk towards a pair of stunned Peacekeepers guarding the door. "Take that back to your president," I add before pushing through the doors, feeling like I'm on top of the world. It feels like the most satisfying training session ever. I am only in shorts now, but I've also discovered that I can make things glow blue. That is the crowning achievement. I go upstairs and decide to shower to get the smoke off. The entire time, still smiling away.

Number Five's POV

I wait for my chance in the arena. When my female district partner heads in and as they do, I can smell the odour of smoke. John must have become a fireball for the judges, that's his trademark move. I'm trying to decide how I should make my entrance, but I'm still reeling from the way I treated Clove's district partner at lunch. I'm sure she hates me by now, but I guess...I couldn't help it. It's the weirdest feeling, but right then, I just couldn't stand seeing some jerk push around the weaker guys, which is weird because I lived with the Mogs and that's part of their motto. I guess since I re-joined the team, I have had this craving for fair treatment, mostly because everyone treats me like crap, well almost everyone. Something inside me just snapped when they laughed at my sister while she was trying to help someone. I think it might be the "big brother" protection thing, we as siblings may fight, but we stick up for each other when the chips are down. I can't say that I don't see Aralia as my sister yet, but after this, I guess that's being tested. She treats me like an equal and has been the only one in the group who hasn't tried to kill me. I guess there is some good in me after all.

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