Chapter 31: Sparks Fly

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Number Five's POV

Recovery  from the wasp attacks has been slow. Even Cato is moving at a sluggish pace, which allows me to piss him off a few times. Tripping him and swiping his sword and he's too weak to anything about it. The only thing that isn't slow is his mouth, which I would gladly seal up so Clove and I could have some peace and quiet. He would not shut up about the fact that they were outwitted by a District 12 tribute and how he wants to go out and kill again. He also talks about why Peeta's face hasn't been flashed up in the sky. Guess Peeta can hold on a lot longer than any of us expected.

More often than not I tell him to shut up.  After failing to punch or clobber me, he just swears and lashes out at me.  But I've lived with Nine, so I'm able to have a few clever comebacks. I simply sit with Clove and ignore him for the most part.

The thing about Cato is that he'd rather use his fists than anything else so he's not exactly the most fun to be around. He tries to shove me and everyone else around. It's only Clove that can keep him sane. She grabs his arms and strokes it...really awkwardly and tells him to breath. It's a little too close for my taste.

Over the few lazy days, when Clove goes to hang out with Cato, I begin whittling something out of a nearby piece of wood. At first, I was just chucking pieces off it, trying out the knives that Clove put together in a belt for me, but then I saw something begin to take shape. I remember making spheres on the islands and how Albert would sometimes whittle to pass the time. It was good for him to use his hands and allow him to forget about how sick he was becoming. He tried to teach I'm not very good, obviously, but I'd thought I'd make something for Clove, something that she could remember me by... I decide the only thing edgy enough for her and make her feel better was a crown. A victor's crown to be more precise. It would be small, but it would be like she did win the Hunger Games, she could wear it with pride and prove those idiot family members back home that she was worth it. That she mattered.

I'm whittling when we hear noises coming from the bushes. 

"Who's there?" Cato barks, drawing his sword.

A skinny and tall figure comes out of the nearby brush. He's pale as ever with a large nose shadowed by his long black hair. It's Adam

"I was wondering if I could join your alliance," Adam says rather bluntly. His eyes go to me for a second before he looks away. 

Adam, like the others, doesn't trust me, which is weird since he is the same species as our enemies. One was once captured by the Mogs and held close to where Adam lived. He was in charge of bringing her food. She hated him at first, sassing or ignoring him, but I guess his curiosity peaked and he began asking questions about her life. He eventually bonded with and dare I say fell in love with her. He turned against his own kind and risked his life in helping her. She somehow was able to give Adam part of her legacy and they both managed to escape together. Apparently One, being the leader and the eldest has some bigger understanding of Lorien than the rest of us and can share a legacy with someone she trusts. The others were reluctant about allowing Adam on the team, but they pretty much trusted him like a brother when I attempted to kill Nine.

There is some bad blood between us, but he mostly ignores me.

"What district are you from?" Marvel asks.


"What use are you to us?" Cato asks.

Adam shrugs. "I'm good with electronics and stuff. I could re-wire the bombs from the platforms to make booby traps."

He can also create earthquakes

Clove looks over at me and then at Cato.

"That could work," Clove says. It could be a kind of protection system or something. Not all of the tributes out there can survive on hunting."

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