Chapter 38: On One Side

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Number One's POV

A/N: Here's a new perspective to shake things up. We'll learn how One fell in love with Adam since she wasn't killed and what the group on the outside have been doing since the others were Reaped. Feel free to laugh at this chapter.

I finally get to see Adam again. My heart is pounding wildly as I stand on the outside of this enormous dome that holds the rest of our team. It's completely computerized and electrified, none of us can get close to it. Probably to make sure that no one interferes with the games. I see the flickering field of power surrounding the massive plot of land in this wooded area. Two has told me time and time again how terrible it is that the Capitol has destroyed this natural area for their sick games. 

Two is a big advocate for nature. She feels more in tune with the natural things in life, the plants and the earth. I'm not sure if this is a legacy or not, but besides telekinesis, she has yet to develop anything useful. I don't blame her, she is the youngest next to Ella, so she often feels inferior and weaker than the rest of us. She also lost her Cepan very young so she's had little training.

That changed a bit when we were in Europe, while everyone else went to the Capitol to hide, we stayed behind. It was no walk in the park. Two would rather be reading and researching than actually learning how to fight. This was a big pain in the ass for me. After what happened where I was nearly killed by the Mogs and lost Hilde in Malaysia, I've dedicated as many hours as possible to train myself to be the best Loric Garde I can be. I am one of the defacto leaders after all. John and I work together when we can to try and make sure every one of us is safe, but sometimes logic has to be thrown out the window in order to make room for action. Six and I bonded quickly for the limited amount of time we were given together, training our asses off to be formidable soldiers. What's frustrating is while the others are getting more Legacies, I only have two; telekinesis, Earthquake Generation which I ended up splitting with Adam and Memory Transfer that wasn't even a real legacy anyways.

I remember when I first met the freak when I was taken prisoner by the Mogs. Instead of killing me, they decided to get what information they could out of me. Unfortunately, I had no legacies besides telekinesis and because I was skipping out on training, I couldn't fight back the way I should have. They brought me to one of their many bases and asked me what number I was, where the other Garde were and all that kind of crap. But I refused to speak at all, deciding it was best to be mute and take the pain that came with it. After all, I was the reason Hilde was dead and deserved the punishment. Or so I thought at the time. They tried torturing me, but I still refused to speak to the black-eyed bastards. Even though the Charm didn't work for me like it did the others, by some miracle I was still protected. Maybe it was a fail-safe switch within me, I can't tell you, but I managed to live through the hell they put me through. I managed to heal from every scar I received and live to fight another day. 

One day the monsters brought me into a laboratory and drugged me up to high hell. They strapped some bizarre contraption on my head and even in my drugged up state I remember the mad scientist telling me:

"If you won't tell us what we want to know, we'll find it through your thoughts." 

I realize now that it was supposed to be a mind-reading device where the sickos could invade my personal thoughts and try to find out information about the others. Since we were closer in age, they chose Adam to be the test subject, thinking he'd have a better chance of getting inside my head.

Well, it worked, to a certain point. The problem was, that even though the freak was in my head and I still had control. I could tell he had menacing intentions, he was looking for a way to identify the other Garde, but he was also the scrawny, geeky kind of dweeb that was easier to push around. I showed him my limited childhood memories of life on Lorien, much to his annoyance. Birthday parties, my days in the fields outside of the Loric Capitol, playing with other Loric children, stuff that the Mogs would likely find useless and made Adam sick to his stomach. I didn't know it at the time, but I could limit how long the device could work. Once the drugs wore off, I put my defenses up and kicked him out of my head. 

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