Chapter 37: The Art of Waging War

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Part 2: This Means War

John (Number Four's) POV

The sky is on fire. My element of comfort, the one that makes me powerful. When I first got my Lumen, I thought I would be totally useless. All I'd end up doing would be being able to light up a dark room for someone to read something or to send a signal upwards or not being burned in an explosion. Now, I can engulf myself completely becoming a walking fireball, I can create heat and fire in the palm of my hands and directly tap into Lorien's energy. It's a powerful legacy that will hopefully help us finish this war.

I watch from the ground as Six's lightning bolts strike the roof of the arena, weakening it enough so Adam and One unleash their earthquake legacies and finally end these Hunger Games. My heart pounds, knowing that I will get to see Sarah again, but also that we can finally become the hunters and not the hunted. I'm tired of having to live in this oppressive society anyways.

A terrible cracking sound is heard as the ground shakes beneath us. Two opposing earthquakes reach the point of weakness and split this dome like an egg. There are low rumbles and the screeching of metal sends shivers up my spine. Several substantial cracks appear in the storm sky, destroying the illusion that this was all natural. The Game makers were controlling everything until Six got in on the act. Sparks shower down on us as the rain comes to a complete stop, wires become exposed in the sky, there is a brief flash of the Capitol logo, more crackling of electricity, in the sky before everything goes dark above us. It's then that I realize that everyone else has fled to the trees for cover, but I don't have to because of my ability. I put my hands out and let the electricity rain down on me. It merely tickles my skin but does singe my tribute jacket and hair. I see the roof of the arena begin to fall down in chunks, allowing us to see the sky for the first time in almost two weeks. There appear to be stars up there, but also a myriad of explosions. I should've known this would happen, the moment we'd open this egg, all hell would break loose.

I want to give some sort of sign, allowing everyone to know that we are the Loric. I ponder for a moment, create a sort of blind distraction to unleash upon the Capitol.

I'm on it... Christina says with delight, reading my mind.

I turn to the side to see that everyone has averted their eyes, per Christina's insistence, knowing exactly what I'm about to do. I feel the power coursing through my veins, in fact, my entire body is radiating the light blue energy. I begin to see nothing but the pure blue light, the beacon of hope for all of the rebels out there. My hands burn, tiny streaks of light appear between my fingers. If there are any cameras left, this show is about to go out with a bang.

"WELCOME TO THE LORIC GAMES ASSHOLES!" I shout, pointing my glowing hands at the ground. The earth around is torn up as the power I unleash burrows deep into the earth, almost to the planet's core. I feel the energy flowing beneath me as it continues to spread further and further away from me, but much of the light explodes outwards. My eyes are protected somehow as an explosion of light erupts upwards from my hands, bathing everything in the pale Loric blue. My pendant is burning against my chest and it seems to float on its own, in touch with the entire essence of Lorien itself. The light engulfs everything in its path, no doubt this could be seen for miles around. I feel so much satisfaction and so strong.

 "YOU'RE PLAYING BY OUR RULES NOW!!" I shout over the roar of the power of Lorien.

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