Chapter 7: Playing with Knives

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Number Five's POV

I hurtle the weapon forward blade first. It hits the shoulder of a dummy about 50 feet in front of me.

"Damn it!" I hiss angrily. It's not the kill shot I wanted. That shot would only wound, I want death! My training with the Mogs was with stuff what I was good at, my legacies. The things that made me powerful and to be feared, but we still have to keep a low profile according to John... Our great leader. I don't even know why I'm bothering to stay in with the group. They don't trust me, after what I did to Eight, Nine and Six, but that doesn't do justice to what Marina did in return. I think the only reason I'm staying is because my sister trusts me and uses our dead baby sister, Anali against me. She believes family is important and we need to save Lorien in honour of her and our family, even though it was broken/divided. I got the full family history from a letter that her Cepan wrote to her. I guess Albert was too sick and dying to even bother to tell me that I had a sister, let alone a twin.

I rub the sweat from my good eye and re-adjust my patch. It's the one thing that I hate about missing an essential optical lens, everyone views it as a weakness. I can't see what's beside me. I'm also considered a freak, everyone . When I first came down to the gym, the tiny girl from District 11 couldn't stop staring at it. My freaky, ginger district partner also couldn't stop staring at it, but my death glare caused her to look away. I guess the benefit of having one eye is that it makes me look menacing and mean.

I grab another batch of knives and begin pitching them out of anger. I don't even care if I hit the target anymore. I let all the anger flow through me and empower me, like the Mogs taught me to. Anger is power and it is my greatest asset. I manage to hit the dummy straight in the forehead and another time in the heart.

I hear a snort. I look beside me and see the District 2 female tribute laughing at me. Her long black hair is pulled back in some kind of complicated ponytail and her eyes are brown. She's a lot shorter than me, but she looks pretty strong for her age.

"Do you have anything better to do?" I growl.

"Not really jerk?!" she smirks. "I'm just enjoying you make a huge idiot of yourself."

"You really shouldn't tick off someone holding sharp object." I mutter and pitch the last knife at the dummy. It skewers the abdomen.

"I'm definitely not scared of a one-eyed miss hap. Your aim is as bad a your insults."

"And I assume you could do better?"

"Are you kidding?" she says raising her eyebrow. She grabs a few knives and begins to throw. Unlike me, she takes careful aim with her shots. She manages to hit a dummy in the heart, twice in the forehead.

"That is how it's done" she sniffs, acting like an obnoxious show-off.

I grab another knife and this time I decide to use my telekinesis. I aim for the heart. I hurtle it forwards and keep my hand out in front of me to keep it on course. I push forward with my mind. The knife pierces the dummy's heart, so hard that it tears right through the first dummy and hits the one behind it.

"No," I snort. "That is how its done"

"Lucky shot" she growls.

The girl glares at me. She grabs another knife and pitches it at another dummy. It hits it in the temple. I follow suit and I hit the dummy directly in the eye. She lets out a frustrated hiss and grabs two knives. She hits another dummy in the neck, right where the jugular vein is and the second into a knee.

"Bit of over kill" I grin.

"Look who's talking" she growls. I take another knife and show her up again, hitting the dummy in the neck, twice.

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