Chapter 30: Freak

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Number Three's POV

I start running towards the sounds of her screams. My heart breaks immensely for the girl I care about. She sounds like she is in excruciating pain. The weight of  being pulled from the water is slowing me up a bit. I push my body as best I can.

I do my best to follow the buzzing noise, some kind of trap from the Gamemakers no doubt. The Careers, including Glimmer probably encountered them, just like the fire wall.

There's sudden silence, eerie silence. I stop and my heart drops. I lean against a nearby tree to get some support. I wait for the infamous sound signalling someone's death. Tears well up in my eyes...I'm too late...I couldn't save her. I couldn't tell her how I felt. To touch her, hold her...kiss her one last time...

Except there's no cannon sound. There's nothing, but the sounds of nature.

Something runs straight into me, knocking the wind out of both of us. We both go flying to the ground, entangled in each other's coats and backpack.

"LET ME GO, Let me go!!" a familiar voice screams.

We're so entangled in each other, but Glimmer is fighting tooth and nail to get away. She kicks me in the head several times

"Glimmer it's me!" I say.

She won't stop struggling and I can see her flushed face. Tears are running down her face and sweat pouring from her head, making her a hot mess. She's hyperventilating and scared beyond comprehension. I put my arms around her and try to hold her. She resists in every way possible.

"LET ME GO!!" she shrieks.

Her face is twisted in pure terror and she refuses to calm down. She's throwing punches

I pull her forward and kiss her. She pushes against me until she opens those beautiful green eyes and sees who's kissing her. She stops, but I can't. The taste for her overwhelms me, her luscious lips taste like salt and her skin feels so soft against mine. My heart is on fire and my body is racing with excitement. I know for sure my feelings for her are genuine.

She pulls back.

"Survival Man?" she says.

"My name is Th...Ash." I say. I immediately snap out of the spell and help her to her feet. "I...I'm sorry, I guess I got carried away."

"It's...okay I guess. Thank gawd a human being"

"What are you talking about? What were you running from? Are you okay, I heard you screaming."

" was awful." She says shuddering. She sits down next to a tree and pulls her legs up. I sit down next her, hoping the worst of her panic attack is over.

"I woke up with blinding pain, it was coming from all over. My eyes immediately began swelling and all I could see were this insects with such a loud buzzing, I couldn't hear myself. The pain was to intense that I couldn't move and the bugs just kept stinging me...I knew then that I was about to die..."

I pull her close, trying to comfort her. She rocks back and forth to calm herself a bit more.

"I'd never thought I'd be so afraid to die...I wasn't ready to die...I have so much more to give..." New tears are running down her face. "The cold started coming and a numbness, something that relieved the pain, even if it was brief...But the cold, and the darkness...I've never been so scared in my life. This blackness was coming to claim me and I could feel my heart beat slowing. I couldn't breath anymore and my lungs burned because of it. You don't know what it's like to suffocate. I fought with everything I had to breath, but it was no use in the end. I don't know if I could cry at all. The buzzing had stopped, but I..."

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