4 | my favorite ships

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I saw starryeyedturtle do this first and wanted to take part in it since it's Valentine's Day!! Here are some of my favorite ships!

Note: I actually have a list of my OTPs in my notes app... it's past 50, so I will not be posting every single OTP in here because that would make this like 50k words long.



Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Clarke GriffinFandom: The 100

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Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Clarke Griffin
Fandom: The 100

Ignoring 7x13 and beyond...

I am a WHORE for Bellarke. They are the heart and soul of the show, co-leaders, enemies to friends, the only people who truly understand one another. It was recently revealed that they were supposed to get together and so that's how Eliza and Bob portrayed their characters, but Jason Rothenberg is a piece of shit who doesn't know how to write a show so he baited us for 7 seasons :) Anyway, Bellarke belongs to the fandom and I say they're canon because season 7 makes absolutely no sense.


Pairing: Magnus Bane x Alec LightwoodFandom: Shadowhunters

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Pairing: Magnus Bane x Alec Lightwood
Fandom: Shadowhunters

Book!Malec? 🤢 Show!Malec? 🥰🥺😘💗💕

Malec is just... perfection. Alec getting all flustered around Magnus in season 1?? AMAZING. Him grabbing Magnus and kissing him in front of EVERYONE at his own arranged wedding (to a girl)??? ASTOUNDING!! Them doing literally anything for each other and Alec saying he can't live without Magnus?? INCREDIBLE!! Magnus helping Alec come to terms with his sexuality?? WE LOVE TO SEE IT!!!

I just love seeing how many stereotypes are broken with this ship. You have Alec, a shadowhunter (a community that is pretty homophobic) and future Head of the Institute of Brooklyn. A gay man who isn't stereotypically feminine or sassy or anything. And Magnus, the bisexual Chinese Head Warlock of Brooklyn, who wears glittery clothing and eyeliner and nail polish and jewelry without being de-masculinized (is that a word?). Asian men are traditionally not seen as masculine in media just for being Asian, which is horrible, and why Magnus' character is so important.

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