59 | character opinion bingo

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Okay, don't be mad at me, but I can't include the blank sheets because I hit the image limit and I don't want to delete some of these. You can search "Character Opinion Bingo Tumblr" and find the ones I used.

For these, I used the characters how they appear in actual canon, not including any of my own headcanons or how I've changed them in my head/fics. I will explain my choices because I like unnecessarily talking about my opinions. (For the record, sometimes I didn't stamp the "if anything happens to them I will cry" square because the series they're in is already finished, but sometimes I did include it for completed series. My brain is a mess. I probably could've gotten a lot more bingos if I had been consistent.)

I'll probably make a second part to this because I received TONS of characters and am sad I couldn't fit all of them in here.

Also, for those of you who haven't been on Tumblr since the dawn of time, "blorbo" refers to a character you really like, before you ask about the one square on the first bingo card.


Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)

I hate ALL of the ships containing Draco

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I hate ALL of the ships containing Draco. He had so much potential to represent being raised on bigotry and prejudice and then un-learning those toxic values and actively working to be a better person. Alas, that is not the case. Draco bullied countless characters because of blood status, looks, economic status, pre-existing traumas, etc. I would love to bully him back.

The Draco I headcanon him to be has these changes and does represent those important lessons, but that's not how he is in actual canon.

Robin Buckley (Stranger Things)

Robin!!!💕💓✨🧚 She is perfect and an angel

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Robin!!!💕💓✨🧚 She is perfect and an angel. Would protect with my life. I don't feel like I have to explain my choices because.... yes.

Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)

Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)

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