37 | my hp universe dr

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Once again, I am not going to explain the concept of shifting other than the fact that "DR" stands for "Desired Reality", aka the reality you want to shift to. There are tons of resources to look up information about shifting, though I would not use TikTok as a source because people on there aren't always reliable.

This DR is my newest. The first one I scripted was for Teen Wolf, then Marvel, and now we're at Harry Potter. Some of the things in each script stay the same (my physical appearance for the most part, my name, and other misc stuff) but I obviously tailor other aspects to fit the universe I'm scripting for.

I know most people seem to want to go to Hogwarts immediately after learning about this, and that's understandable. I never really felt the pull to do it until like 2 weeks ago. It started off as a joke, like when I posted that announcement about doing it just to bully Snape, but then I started thinking more in-depth and scripting, and now I have a Pinterest board with 22 sections because I'm a very organized person and my script is super long due to all of my ideas. The board is private for now (as are all of my DR boards), but lmk if you guys would be interested in checking them out if I made them public.

Sorry to nocturnalamp because this is ALL I have been talking about lately.

Here are some basic plot points and information about my DR.

This is a Golden Trio Era DR so I'm the same age as Harry, Hermione, and Ron. However, since I'm in Hufflepuff, I won't be spending all of my time with them. Originally, I wasn't planning on spending much time with them at all, but you'll see why that's different as I explain. Usually I keep my actual birth month and day in my script but I changed it to April so I can come of age during my 6th year and apparate sooner HAHAHA

I made myself an exchange student from the US. Perhaps it would be easiest to explain this in terms of my ancestry. My actual real-life father's side is 100% Polish from my grandfather and 100% Lithuanian from my grandmother. My great great grandpa came here from Poland by himself and raised my grandpa after his parents died when he was a teenager. I moved that same aspect down a few generations so, in my DR, my paternal grandparents came from Poland. It just so happens that, in doing the math, I realized it would have been WWII, so I scripted that they fled to escape the N*zis. So that explains my very Polish surname and the reason my DR father is fluent in Polish (like my actual grandfather is). It's also important for how much I hate the Death Eaters because their ideas are very similar to N*zi ideology.

My DR parents were famous in their youth— my mother being a musician and my father a dueller. They both retired those professions when they had their first kid: my older brother Malcolm. I'm an only child IRL, so I wanted to script an older brother who kinda takes up the role that one of my cousins has in my real life. He's 2 years older than me, so he'll be the same age as the Weasleys, and he'll be sorted into Gryffindor.

My parents decided to work at the MACUSA (American equivalent of Ministry of Magic) and quickly climbed the ranks because of their mad skills. Then, because of their fame and the money my grandparents saved, it makes us super rich. Like, richer-than-the-Malfoys rich. Partially because I want to be like "Shut up Draco my dad can buy yours" when he threatens to run to Lucius about his problems, and partially because I want to show him how to be FREAKING HUMBLE, BECAUSE JESUS CHRIST. Nobody would be able to tell that my fam is hella rich, which is why he'll be so thrown off about my comment of buying him.

ANYWAYS. Moving on. So my parents would get relocated to the Ministry because of the whole "Oh no Sirius is loose" thing because I'm starting in POA. They gain the trust of Fudge, much to Lucius' dismay. Really everything I scripted was to spite the Malfoy family and I'm not even sorry.

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