2 | kids + politics

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Ok you can tell me if you think I'M weird for thinking this is weird, but WHY TF DOES MY 9 YEAR OLD COUSIN HAVE POLITICAL OPINIONS????

Like last night we invited my aunt & uncle over for dinner. My little cousin was watching me play Among Us and she mentioned that when she was playing the other day, someone was like "Biden 2020" and she was like "No" and then mentioned how people who vote for Biden are stupid.

 My little cousin was watching me play Among Us and she mentioned that when she was playing the other day, someone was like "Biden 2020" and she was like "No" and then mentioned how people who vote for Biden are stupid

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Then I told her I was voting for Biden and she was like 👁👄👁

She asked me why I was voting for Biden and I told her I wasn't talking politics with her.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that my cousin is homeschooled. She has like 1 girl friend in the neighborhood and said friend says the n word and she's like 8😭😭 Luckily my cousin doesn't say it and knows it's terrible. Anyways so she isn't getting this from school, it's mostly her parents.

Like idk about my fellow Americans or people in general, but I did NOT know shit about politics when I was 9. I was like 7 when Obama first ran for President and my school had a mock election. I asked my parents the DAY OF who they were voting for. They told me and that's who I picked. I had no idea prior because my parents didn't talk politics around me and I had no concept of what they even were. I didn't even know about the 3 branches of our government yet.

If a kid is taught about policies and government growing up, then maybe that's different, but the thing is that I know they're not teaching her that. She's just repeating what they've been saying. And she's talking about Trump a lot and I'm like bro ???? you don't even know how to do fractions. Why are you talking about the presidency.

I didn't develop political opinions until around the 2016 election, and even then, I am ALWAYS learning. A little kid who JUST turned 9 a month ago cannot understand all of what's going on. Not to mention she's arguing with people on Among Us about politics??? HONEY YOU ARE A CHILD WHO USES TEXT TO SPEECH BECAUSE YOU CAN'T SPELL.

 Not to mention she's arguing with people on Among Us about politics??? HONEY YOU ARE A CHILD WHO USES TEXT TO SPEECH BECAUSE YOU CAN'T SPELL

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I would still feel this way even if a child was vehemently talking about any political candidate. I would personally leave politics out of raising my child and let them form their own opinions like my parents did with me. Especially when the internet is so accessible nowadays that kids can argue online about politics with literal adults and not even fully understand what they're talking about. Or they can be exposed to things that are super inappropriate for children, like strangers sending them links to white supremacist websites.

ANYWAYS, let me know if I'm crazy or not.

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