47 | my marvel opinions

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I've been into the MCU for a long time (over 10 years by now) and I've been a fan of Marvel even longer— basically ever since I was a little kid (I had a Spider-Man coloring book and sippy cup. Come at me). I have a lot of opinions on various things and wanted to put some of them here to discuss them!

Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments! And if you don't like Marvel, you can either exit out or have fun reading my rant, though it will contain spoilers and probably not make sense. For each thing I mention, I will put the movie/character it's about in bold above it.


We are going to start off strong here but I wish that this movie wasn't the end of the Captain America trilogy. It didn't feel like a Cap solo film. Instead, it was more like The Avengers 2.5 because pretty much everyone was in it except Thor and Bruce. Plus, they introduced two new major cast members; Chadwick and Tom Holland both made their MCU debuts in the movie.

Steve was sidelined in his own film. I love Tony, but his psychology and feelings were more heavily focused on than Steve's. The whole scene of him introducing BARF and the lady yelling at him for her son's death in Sokovia was longer than Peggy's funeral. All of Tony's movies centered around him and gave him significant character development. Steve should've gotten the same treatment.

I get that they had to set things up for Infinity War and introduce T'Challa and Peter Parker in the MCU, but it caused a packed cast in what is supposed to be, again, STEVE'S movie.

The original idea for Cap 3 sounds really interesting. It was supposed to be called Captain America: Serpent Society and involve Bucky, Arnim Zola, and Zemo, but Feige dropped the Civil War bomb in the writer's room, and everyone was like "Ooh billion-dollar movie idea" and went with that instead.

Now it's predicted that Sam's movie as Captain America will feature the Serpent Society instead, but nothing has been confirmed yet.


I understand where Tony was coming from but I'm Team Cap all the way. The government gave them the Sokovia Accords late on purpose. There's no way that 117 countries met, agreed on everything, and wrote the Accords in a week.

Why did Ross give them the documents to sign with only 3 days left? It's a tactic called pork barreling. Think what Ursula did in The Little Mermaid with the contract that she had Ariel sign. Someone is given a huge document to read and not enough time to digest the whole thing, think it over, discuss it, etc before a decision has to be made. There's no possible way that each Avenger could have read that giant booklet and have a discussion about it within 3 days. That was totally on purpose.

If they would've signed it and the Accords had gone into effect, it would've been like "Oh sorry, you can't go on that mission because of the fine print on page 187 :/ Sox x better next time!"

The Accords would've been a better idea if they'd gotten a chance to actually sit down and think about it so they knew that they were getting into. Tony had no idea what the protocols would actually be. Who knows, maybe it said on page 301 that he would've had to surrender his lab to the government and receive permission every time he wanted to make a new suit? They probably would not have let him bring Peter to Germany if the Accords had gone into effect.

This post on Tumblr explains it well:

"I keep seeing a lot of posts about how Steve was in the wrong in CACW because while Tony had a plan, Steve didn't offer any alternative to it, he was just like NOPE. The thing is though, something that immediately struck me when I watched the movie was the timing of everything. Ross and Tony bring Steve and the others the Accords THREE DAYS before they are to be signed. Those Accords were not drafted, approved and supported by 117 countries in a week. This was 100% intentional. This is also very, very common in American politics. When politicians want to pass a bill they don't want people to look at closely, they schedule votes at weird times or when a large # of people are away from the Hill (Capital Hill). So you get these 11th hour bills that are hundreds of pages long that no one has had a chance to read, ask questions about, or negotiate on about changes. These bills are stuffed with completely unrelated stuff that gets passed as well because the whole thing has to be signed off on/approved. It's called "pork barreling." Those are the questions Steve tries to bring up to the group. When he's like 'what happens when...?' And Tony brushes aside his concerns like 'oh, I'm sure we'll get to make changes later when everything dies down.' But Steve is like what are we agreeing to NOW though? And practically as soon as they are given the "generous" 3 day warning, Peggy dies. Steve flies off to London and everything goes to hell. What time is there to propose or discuss an alternative plan??

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