30 | shadow and bone: a review

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Ok so I literally just finished the last episode of season 1 two minutes ago and WOW. I'M IN LOVE. Seeing my favorite (and not-so-favorite) characters come to life on-screen was INCREDIBLE, and there were some changes to the original series that I really liked.

This review will contain spoilers and memes. Similarly to how I organized my likes and dislikes of each Maze Runner movie in my tips book for that series, I'll organize my thoughts based on what I liked and didn't like.


—Jessie Mei Li absolutely kills it as Alina. Her facial expressions are adorable and her mannerisms are so cute!! But also she's BADASS and I loved her performance. Her saying "Please don't change my eyes" broke my heart.

—I loved the fact that Alina is half Shu and her struggle with that is presented clearly. People think she's a traitor because of the war Ravka has with the Shu Nation, people assume she speaks Shu or that she doesn't understand Old Ravkan, and it ties into her feeling like she doesn't belong anywhere. 10/10 amazing addition.

—The show ??? made me like Mal ??? I felt like he was MUCH more of a jerk in the books, but I love him in the show. It even has me shipping Malina a bit even though I was totally against them in the books. Archie did such a great job!

—BENNNNNN BARNES UGH. That's it. Jk but as expected, he UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT. His role reminded me of Billy Russo in The Punisher and he was phenomenal there, too, so this wasn't a surprise.

—THE POWERS!!! ARE SO COOL!! I was afraid of crappy CGI and stupid-looking effects but everything looks incredible. Now I'm going to be waving my hands around, pretending to be Grisha, for the foreseeable future.

—KIT YOUNG WAS THE PERFECT JESPER. As I previously mentioned when the stills were released, I wanted someone darker to be cast, but I think Kit did an incredible job and brought Jesper to life in the best way. It was like he'd been plucked straight from the pages and put on-screen. His constant humor, jokes, puns, and winks had me on the floor.

—Jesper constantly spinning his revolvers before and after using them just because he wants to show off. HOT.

—I STILL BELIEVE GOD IS A WOMAN AND HER NAME IS INEJ GHAFA. God I love her so much and UGHHHH I can't wait until they reveal more about her past. Amita Suman is the perfect choice. I love her so much. Seeing my tiny, knife-throwing Wraith on-screen had me crying.

—I thought Freddy was a great Kaz!! I wish we had gotten some scenes that explored some of his emotional depths, but since the Crows are kind of in the background compared to the S&B Trilogy characters, it makes sense as to why we didn't see that

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—I thought Freddy was a great Kaz!! I wish we had gotten some scenes that explored some of his emotional depths, but since the Crows are kind of in the background compared to the S&B Trilogy characters, it makes sense as to why we didn't see that.

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