54 | life lately

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Hi friends! This is another general update where I discuss my life and what I've been up to lately. I think this is a fun way to chat and so you guys can catch up with the reasons why I've been updating so sporadically.


I've made a pretty big decision in terms of my college career. I'm changing my major from Biology to English and am going to be taking the Fall 2022 semester off to figure life out (and also because the classes I need to take are only available in winter).

Normally, I would be graduating next spring, so it's unusual for someone to switch their major so late in their college career. However, the Winter 2022 semester killed my vibes. I have failed a required Chemistry course three times and Physics twice. Those sciences are not my strong suit, and I could NOT understand the material. I was forced to re-evaluate everything I wanted to do, and realized I wasn't having fun in my major. My dad and I had a heart-to-heart and he asked where my heart lies. It's always been English, but I'm also very passionate about Forensic Science (which was what I was going to get my Masters degree in after getting my Biology degree). Ultimately, I realized that the other required science courses for Biology were too difficult for me to conquer and I needed a fresh start.

It's not that I don't think I couldn't do it, it's just that, with my mental health and other things going on in my life, it was taking a huge toll on me and I was miserable the entire Winter 2022 semester. Hopefully I feel better when I go back for the Winter 2023 one!


On a happier note, here is some Peaches content! She is almost 4 months old now🥺🥺 I'm including photos from the past 2 months I've had her so you can watch her grow up.

On a happier note, here is some Peaches content! She is almost 4 months old now🥺🥺 I'm including photos from the past 2 months I've had her so you can watch her grow up

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