72 | daisy jones and the six: a review

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I haven't done a review for a series since Loki and since I have very strong feelings about DJATS, I decided that I had to compile all of my thoughts instead of constantly screaming at starryeyedturtle and silentwishing every time I have a new thought.

I'll organize it the same way that I did for my other reviews (liked, disliked, and other thoughts). I'll try to make it coherent as possible but idk how that will end up being since my brain is still ?????!!!?!!!

Before we start, I'll begin with some ~*Background Info*~ on my thoughts before the series was released. It took me a long ass time to finish the book (aka I started it last August and only finished it in February) mostly because I was thrown off by the transcript style of narration. For me, it was difficult to picture things without any real "scenes"/prose. I understand why it was done — everything the characters say is from their own perspective, so it would be difficult to write something from an omniscient point of view without ruining that. But still, I felt like it made it difficult to get into the groove of the story.

It's why I decided to write Sweet Melody (my Warren fic, in case you are unaware) in the way that it is — actual written scenes intermixed with transcripts. The interview parts mainly serve to show the audience a) how other characters perceived a scene, b) how Rory describes something years later, or c) additional commentary from the other characters. That way it's a nice mix between the past and present.

I was excited for the show because I felt that it would be able to tell the story in a more fluid way than the transcript parts did in some areas. And I was right! I found the backstories for Daisy and The Six to be much more understandable when I saw them played out.

Now. Onto the review.


— Literally everyone in the cast was the perfect choice for each character. There wasn't a single moment where I was unimpressed with a casting decision or felt a performance was slacking. Everyone. Was. Outstanding.

— THE MUSIC !!! It's embarasssing how many times I have listened to the Aurora album and songs by The Dunne Brothers. I listened to "Susie Q" (which bothers me bc the original is spelled Suzie Q) eight times in a single week.

Actual text chain between me and nocturnalamp

Actual text chain between me and nocturnalamp

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I'm normal😃 I swear to God I'm normal😃

Also these stats are embarrassing:

My top tracks from the past 6 months:

My top tracks from the past 6 months:

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