84 | adventures in wylde flowers

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EVERYONE NEEDS TO PLAY THE GAME WYLDE FLOWERS !!!! I first played it shortly after its launch when I had a free trial of Apple Arcade, and finished the storyline super fast and hyperfixated on the game because it's SO GOOD! Since then, it's been updated, and I've been wanting to buy it on my Switch, so here I am, evangelizing.


It's a farming sim game but WITCHY!

You play as Tara Wylde (28, she/her), a young woman from the city who moves to the small island of Fairhaven to help her grandmother with her farm. It has severely deteriorated over the years due to her grandmother's elderly age and declining health, so there's a lot of fixing up to do in order to get the farm back into the shape it was during Tara's childhood.

But it turns out that Fairhaven isn't just your average small town. A coven of witches exists on the island... and little does Tara know, she's one of them!

As Tara learns more about her powers and uncovers secrets around the island, darker powers threaten to upheave the balance that the coven tries so hard to maintain. Wraiths have neighbors turning on each other and leave the human citizens uneasy due to the threat of "Malcontents". Can the coven keep its secrecy as tensions rise and the dark forces make everything worse... or will everything be out in the open? *ominous music*


What would a farming sim game be if you couldn't have a little romance? Here are the eligible love interests (no spoilers are in the little blurbs I wrote):

AMIRA SYED, she/her, 38: An Iranian-born doctor who runs the town's clinic. Stylish, flirty, and confident, she is single-handedly keeping the town healthy and bandaging up the cuts and scrapes that the little ones get while causing mischief.

CAMERON CONNER, he/him, 34: Formerly a Hollywood actor, he used to be big into the party, drugs, and alcohol scene before becoming enlightened by the League of the Conscious Mind. He recently moved to Fairhaven to help others move their way "up the ladder" with The Book of the Mind and constantly warns against Malcontents. But he's always there to lend people a helping hand and a listening ear.

DAMON MTHEMBU-HAAS, he/him, 24: He was born in South Africa before his family decided to move to Fairhaven. Though his parents moved back to their homeland, Damon stayed behind and owns his father's old bar. Friendly and sociable, Damon is one of the nicest and most welcoming people in Fairhaven.

GIVA JOSHI, she/her, 24: English-born and Mumbai-raised, she is a meteorologist who has received a grant to study the strange weather patterns in Fairhaven. She is remarkably self-sufficient and rational. Unfortunately, her studies often conflict with the secret work of the coven.

KAI HOAPILI, he/him, 27: Basically a Pacific Islander himbo. He is laid back and easy going, often talking about his passion for surfing. A surfing accident landed him in Fairhaven, where he decided to stay after his recovery. He is very considerate and is always looking out for others. When he's not running the local novelties shop, he can be found by the ocean.

KIM IZUMI, they/them, 28: The blunt and guarded owner of the local butcher shop. They grew up around food, which inspired them to work in the industry. Kim has a strained relationship with their parents since coming out as nonbinary. Despite the tension between them and their family, they have a special connection with the children on the island and can't wait to have kids of their own one day.

NATALIA KUZNETSOVA, she/her, 36: Born of Russian immigrants, she worked in insurance before becoming a blacksmith and moving to Fairhaven. She often talks about her bad luck and makes self-deprecating jokes. She's been trying to gain confidence and discover herself by joining the League of the Conscious Mind.

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