28 | my (almost) shifting experience

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Last night, I thought I shifted but I didn't. If you aren't aware of what shifting is, I'm not going to explain the whole thing here so you can look up "reality shifting" and read about it. Also, if you don't believe in it, that's fine, but please don't go yelling at me about it or something. I'm just trying to vibe with my favorite characters😌

I was actually trying to shift to my Marvel desired reality because I want to meet Peter Parker so badly that it hurts, but instead I ended up in Teen Wolf. It was fine since I have a script for that too, I was just surprised since I haven't tried to shift there in months.

It was kind of a half-shift, half-dream. How do I know it wasn't actually a shift?
—It was supposed to be season 1 but Isaac was already a werewolf and I already had powers. We were supposed to get them in season 2
—Allison just did not exist?
—Kira and Malia were there
—Mason and Corey were also there
—I think Theo was there too
—Stilinski was a politician instead of the sheriff??
—Bellamy Blake was there for a sec. Hey bud you're in the wrong universe
—Sometimes I couldn't read but sometimes I could which was very frustrating in class.
—I was ending up in some of the wrong classes
—My grade school bully was there and I know for a FACT I wouldn't have her in my DR
—I scripted that I would smell vanilla so I know when I shift. I didn't and also I ended up directly at school (which was shaped like my old grade school) instead of waking up at my house.

I call it a "half shift" because some things were right. I was aware of the fact I wasn't supposed to be there and actually thought I shifted at first, and I knew some things weren't going right when they didn't happen the way I scripted them. I knew I was supposed to be in Algebra 2 for math but I ended up in Chemothermodynamics WHICH ISN'T EVEN A THING.

Here are some things that happened though, writing 'em down before I forget.

—I was trying to figure out my schedule but since I couldn't read, I had to ask Scott what day it was. He looked confused since it was, like, the middle of the day but it was Wednesday.

—I kept doing EVERYTHING in my power to sit next to Isaac in at least one class but I also didn't want to be obvious since we weren't supposed to like each other. It didn't work though and I ended up sitting next to the meanest girl ever in Chemothermodynamics before I walked out and told my counselor I was in the wrong class.

—I asked Lydia if she wanted to walk to class with me and she replied, "You have legs. Use them." I was like

Lowkey cried inside but it's fine

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Lowkey cried inside but it's fine.

—Deaton randomly came into school because there was something inside the floor. In true Vera Pérez fashion (I gave myself my OC's phantom powers from my Isaac fic because they're cool), I immediately volunteered to ghost through the floor and check it out but then Deaton opened a floor panel and showed how far the drop would be so I unnecessarily grabbed onto Isaac's shoulder so I wouldn't fall in and was like "haha nvm."

—I sat down in class and Kira told me I was in the wrong seat. It was so embarrassing.

—I had no idea how to find any class so I literally just followed another character around the whole time. I did script that I would have at least one character in each class for this reason (and also so I wouldn't get bored) but it was just funny how I had to keep someone in sight at all times. Most of the time it was Lydia and she kept getting annoyed with me.

—Apparently, even though Stilinski was a politician, he was also secretly the sheriff but for some reason, nobody could know that he was the sheriff and it was like this big conspiracy?? So he showed up at school for some reason and I was like "Hey aren't you the Sheriff" and he got mad at me ??? WHAT

—STILES WAS REALLY ANNOYING LMFAO I'M SORRY BUT OMG. I was going to bang my head into the wall. He was the type to challenge the teacher about literally anything. He just never shut up.

—We were in a certain class and we watched a movie that had Aimee Carrero in it. She's the faceclaim for Vera in Mostly Ghostly. Apparently she wanted a cameo.

—At one point I was suddenly wearing a pandemic mask and then it just vanished. I think my brain was confused as hell.

—Someone started coughing in class and that's when I turned and saw Bellamy. I was like ??? u good bro ??? and he was like yeah and that was the end of that. For some reason I wasn't even surprised to see him, either.

—STILES ABRUPTLY GOT POWERS AND STARTED FLOATING IN THE AIR WITH CYCLOPS-LIKE BEAMS COMING FROM HIS EYES BUT THEY WERE YELLOW ????!!! And then everything stopped and went back to normal but nobody was fazed. Keep in mind this ENTIRE dream took place IN SCHOOL.

—I did get 100% on both of my assignments in English though. It's weird getting a paper back and your teacher saying "Good job!" when you didn't actually do the assignment. It wasn't even my handwriting on the papers, like my subconscious had just pulled two random people's assignments from somewhere and gave them to me.

—Isaac was wearing a cream-colored sweater and he looked hella fine. When I touched his shoulder, it was SUPER soft. 10/10 sweater choice, Isaac.

—I just remembered that Boyd was there, too, and I tried sitting next to him in one class but someone beat me to it and I was absolutely heartbroken😔 King.

—Was walking down the hallway and these doors randomly appeared in front of me on either side of the hallway. They had no walls around them, they just floated but I had to open them to continue down the hall. For some reason I couldn't just walk around them??

—Theo was just there in one of my classes and I remember being confused by that but he didn't say anything to me so I let it be. He was chillin'.

So yeah, that's pretty much it. It was close to my DR but also not at the same time, so it was a confusing mess of things being the way they were supposed to be but also not. But it was very entertaining so I don't mind that I didn't make it to Marvel.

If anyone is curious, I absolutely cannot sleep in the starfish position for the Raven method so I just laid how I normally would and was counting to 100 with affirmations after every quarter. I've actually gotten to the point where I can't sleep without counting since it gives me something to do while I'm waiting to fall asleep. I just said things like "I am shifting to my Marvel desired reality" a few times then went back to counting. Apparently my brain decided not to pay attention to that. It was just like 🔇🔇 Can't hear bitch ur going to Teen Wolf

Again, I'm not going to explain what shifting is or any of that because it's a long explanation and I don't have the time or energy to do it. I'd probably be typing that out all day. Instead, I just wanted to share this with you cuz I thought it was funny

 Instead, I just wanted to share this with you cuz I thought it was funny

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