66 | lookbook

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Lately I've been trying to get out of my comfort zone in terms of my style and wear stuff that makes me happy. I spent 12 years in a school uniform, so I wasn't really sure what my "style" even was. Additionally, my anxiety prevented me from wearing anything that would even remotely make me stick out. But since classes are in-person again last year, I've been experimenting with the different things I wear.

I've also finally donated some of the clothes I've had for way too long— like middle school. Which for me was 8-9 years ago. The liberty of being the same height since you were 12 is that you can keep clothes for that long, but they were very worn and out of style, so I had lots of room in my closet for new clothes. I've been trying to buy clothes with *gasp* patterns! Before, I'd only wear plain, solid colors because they helped me blend in. But now I'm wearing layers, cool patterns, etc, and it feels great!

A lot of these things aren't eccentric by any means, but my anxiety used to be so bad that I would feel embarrassed in anything other than a plain, dark-colored top and skinny jeans/leggings. Wearing literally anything else is a big deal for me and shows a lot of my improvement. Thus these outfits aren't crazy but they're a big deal for me and my growth in being comfortable with myself.

I decided to share my journey and documented some times I liked what I was wearing starting in November 2021.

You'll notice I'm wearing a lot of the same pairs of shoes/bottoms/etc in different outfits because !!! there's nothing wrong !!! with wearing things a bunch of times !!! In fact, that's how it SHOULD be. Fast fashion and micro-trends influence people to wear something a few times and then that's it, or to never repeat outfits/items, but that's terrible for the environment and unrealistic. Even though I mentioned getting new items, I also have a fair share of clothing that were hand-me-downs from cousins, my mom's, or things I've had for years. Clothing should be made to last!!

Though I do have things from fast fashion brands because I'm a broke college student and it's affordable, so I'm not perfect. I make up for it by wearing them often so they get used well before I donate them.

Also sometimes I have cute hair accessories that you can hardly see which makes me sad because sometimes it can really make an outfit special.

I will say where each garment is from from outfits going L-R from the top row to the bottom.

#1: Crewneck: A gift so I have no idea where it's from😭Leggings: AmazonBlue light glasses: Amazon

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Crewneck: A gift so I have no idea where it's from😭
Leggings: Amazon
Blue light glasses: Amazon

Polo: Forever 21
Crewneck: Hand me down from a friend, possibly from American Eagle?
Leggings: Amazon
Shoes: Nike Air Force 1s

Hoodie: Hanes
Flannel: Hand me down from a cousin
Jeans: H&M
Shoes: Nike Air Force 1s

Crewneck: Hand me down, the slogan is specific to my area anyway

#4: Crewneck: Hand me down, the slogan is specific to my area anyway

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