6 | get to know me tag

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This fun lil tag was made by @crieraylaand bananapopsicIes  mentioned me in their tag, and since I love oversharing on the internet, here I am !!! (I'm on mobile rn so I can't properly tag the creator, but I'll fix it when I can hop on my computer)

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This fun lil tag was made by @crierayla
and bananapopsicIes  mentioned me in their tag, and since I love oversharing on the internet, here I am !!! (I'm on mobile rn so I can't properly tag the creator, but I'll fix it when I can hop on my computer).

1. Your big three (astrology)?
I'm a Cancer sun, a Scorpio moon, and an Aquarius rising. Basically both my sun and moon signs make me an emotional, sensitive bitch who's hypersensitive to feelings. My rising apparently means my independent, friendly side comes out when I meet new people but I have social anxiety so... what is the truth?

2. Top 5 songs on your soundtrack of life?
This can be interpereted so many ways. If we're talking about the EVENTS of my life, then it would be a very depressing soundtrack because :) so much ... death ... in my family ... anyways moving on. But if we're talking about life through my eyes, it would also be depressing but like. In a funky way. So here's a list based on that:

1. Bohemian Rhapsody — Queen
2. Everything is Fine — All Time Low
3. Hard Times — Paramore
4. I'm Not Okay (I Promise) — My Chemical Romance
5. Sad — Bo Burnham

The first four songs are bangers but if you actually pay attention to the lyrics, things get ~*Deep*~ like "Everything is Fine" saying "Everything is fine and nothing matters." That's probably the depression talking but yes that's the mood.

"Sad" is on the list because 1) I love Bo Burnham and 2) I think his songs are so amazing because they make you laugh but then they have a deeper message that hits you like a sucker punch to the gut. The whole song is just funny paradoxes like "🎶I met a homeless man named Rich... (he wasn't)🎶" and then toward the end, he goes on to say, "'Cause tragedy will be exclusively joked about because my empathy is bumming me out" and I just. WOW IF THAT AIN'T ME. But please listen to the song, it's hilarious and morbid and that's the duality of man.

3. Favorite season?
Normally I'd say autumn, but we've been having the worst autumn seasons for the past few years (rainy, not cold until it's far too late in the season) so lately it's been spring. Where I live, we experience all 4 seasons so it's amazing to see everything coming back to life after the brutal winters. I always get so excited when it's warm enough to open a window in the house or wear a light jacket instead of my heavy winter coat!!

4. Favorite scent?
Either freshly-baked cookies, or, and this is going to sound really weird, the smell of ink. My mom worked for a printing company and the back room where the HUMONGOUS machines were constantly smelled so strongly of freshly-printed catalogues/banners/flyers/whatever job they had. We had to pass through the room to enter and leave, so it just reminds me of the childhood days where I'd come to work with my mom.

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