48 | an adventure into my notes app

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I honestly have no idea how I would be able to function without carrying a notebook around or having the notes app on my phone. I'm constantly using it to jot down brief pieces of info, put stuff that I'll need to copy & paste often, make lists, or write about a dream I had at 3am before I go back to sleep and forget.

According to my folders, I have 110 notes on my phone, and that's after I deleted a bunch. Here are some highlights:

—"( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" put on my phone in 2016

—my friend made a "your fave is problematic" for me but practically none of the things make sense or relate to me anymore

—customers I encountered while working retail for a few months during the Christmas/New Year's season at the age of 17:

• a full-on hippie woman, tie-dye shirt, bell bottomed stretchy pants, clogs, and everything. she and her two young sons looked like they'd never gotten a haircut or brushed their hair in their entire lives (EDIT: I now realize those were probably dreadlocks)

• a lady with spaghetti sauce stains around her mouth who complained that the display beds were too high for her father to sit on to rest while they were walking through the store. i did not know how to respond

• a mall santa

• a man wearing a white shirt, a giant tie shaped like a christmas tree, a christmas-printed suit jacket, and christmas printed dress pants that did not match the jacket. he looked exhausted.
• an older woman who cursed at me in another language when i couldn't find something for her

• five (5) middle-aged to older men wearing the sAME vintage  jacket for our city's baseball team
• an elderly man who helped me push my extremely heavy cart when he saw me struggling, even though he had to go the opposite way to get to his car

• a twenty-something year old dude who saw me carrying nike joggers and went "oh my god!! do you mind if i follow you to where those are stocked??" and i said that he could come along so he and his friend followed me to the shelf and then the guy went "oh. dude, we walked right past these."

• a woman who asked if we had any men's christmas sweaters as i was hanging the men's christmas sweaters

• a lady who asked if i worked there, then asked if shoe carnival closed in 15 minutes. ???? i work here, not at shoe carnival??? she then put her several hangers of clothing on a table stacked with merchandise and ran out of the store saying she'd be back in 5 minutes. i never found out if she returned.

• an elderly woman with her husband who stopped me in the houseware department and asked if i could help her find the girl who had helped her a few minutes ago. i said sure. she just stood there, so i said, "can you... give a physical description of her?" the woman turned to her husband and asked "was her name amy? did she have her hair pulled back?" then she spotted the girl and said "oh! there she is!" her name was katie and she did not have her hair pulled back. as i walked away, STILL WITHIN EARSHOT, the woman told katie "that girl was completely clueless"

• several people who have asked me where a price check is as we're standing within 6 feet of the nearest price check

• several people who have pointed to something and asked, "is this on sale?" if there's no sale sign then chances are it's not on sale

• a person who urgently ordered a single washcloth and put a half hour time limit on the order. who needs one washcloth that badly??"

—a list of things my friend did while drunk in high school, including pointing at the sink and yelling "I AIN'T NO BITCCCHHHH" when we tried to get him to drink water

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