Call me.... Novae

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I had lost everything when I was still very young. It was such a peaceful day. I was laughing with my brothers and sisters, our parents watching us from the hillside.

But then... everything turned dark. It was chaos within ticks and the screams of my family and my people were echoing in my ears.

I didn't know why at the time, but I was the only one to escape home... everyone else... was crystallized.

I watched as my brothers and sisters were crystallized, and my parents lay dying on the ground, their crystals having been ripped out of their bodies and shattered.

But as the light in their eyes vanished, they spoke their final words to me.

"Let the stars guide you, my little Novae..." my father said.

"Take a step into the temple, and take what is rightfully yours.... Protect Estellia.... and come back when the threat has lessened." My mother said.

Then.... they scattered away into the stars.

I was left alone that day... the peace I had grown used to... the life and love I was filled with since I was born, had become something different.

That day, I went to the temple... I took what was mine.... and I fought.... I would fight against the dark Emperor that took away my home and family.

It became a mission only I could complete. Along a few others....

I would fight for the freedom of the universe so that other children would not have to suffer like I did.


I opened my eyes only to see the darkness of my cell. The uncomfortable silence surrounded me, but I was used to it. It wasn't my first time in these kinds of cells. After all, I was an experienced escape artist. To be honest, I could have escaped ages ago, but there was something in this ship I needed. Important information that could give the rebellion a leg up on the war.

I sat there in the darkness for a couple of vargas, when all of a sudden, I heard several people screaming outside my cell door.

The door to my cell opened, the light blinding me for a moment before it closed again, followed by several thumps in the returning darkness.


Three men were pushed into a darkened cell, the only light was the soft purple glow from the dimmed light rods wrapped around the cell.

"Please, we didn't do anything wrong! Let us go back, we're from a peaceful planet!" The taller man shouted, pounding against the metal door in a frantic attempt to escape. But it was no use.

The doors were made of a reinforced metallic material, stronger than steel or titanium.

The younger boy shook in terror, a much older man than either him or the first man held him close in a fatherly fashion.

"What are we gonna do, dad?" The younger boy asked in his terror.

"I don't know, Matt, but we're gonna get out of here. Right, Shiro?" The oldest man said, turning to the second oldest man.

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