The Blades

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It had been a day since the Space Mall incident, and the team was heading to the Blade of Marmora's base. Novae stood away from the group, watching as the stars flew across the sky. She knew the Blades well, after all she had worked with them for years, and that meant she knew most of their secrets. And they knew hers.

As the team stood on the Bridge waiting to arrive at the Blade of Marmora base, Novae gently fiddled with the gauntlet in her hand, not ready to secure it on her wrist until they've reached the base. 

"I truly hope this goes well." She muttered to herself.

Novae turned around and saw Keith sitting in his chair with his hands folded in front of his mouth with a serious concentrated expression on his face. She knew that he was thinking about the knife he showed her the previous night. 

"Coran, how soon will we get to the Blade of Marmora's base?" Shiro asked.

"Based on the coordinates Ulaz gave us, we should be there in a few doboshes." Coran answered.

"I can't wait to see it." Pidge said excited to see the base, "I mean, they were able to fold space-tine, and that was just at an outpost!"

Hunk smiled rubbed his stomach as it growled loudly, "Mm, the space taco. It left us too soon."

"Well, sure, but my point is, imagine how amazing their home base will be!"

"Exactly. It could take on any shape. Like a space jelly donut. Or long, like a space éclair. Or a space cheese blintz with cherry sauce on top. Maybe a little dusting of powdered sugar. That's the stars."

"Aw! Now, I'm hungry for breakfast." Lance groaned.

"Guys, this is a serious mission. We need to focus." Keith said annoyed by their conversation.

"We need to focus." Lance repeated in a mocking tone, "Hey, Novae, what can you tell us about the Blades? You worked with them, right?"

Everyone's attention was turned towards Novae, the woman sighing and leaning against the glass window behind her.

"The Blade of Marmora are.... in a single word: They are... difficult." She answered.

"Difficult? How?" Allura asked.

Novae fiddled with the gauntlet she held, gently rubbing the mamoran symbol on the stone.

"The Blades are difficult when it comes to newcomers. They do not trust easily, and you must do a great deal to gain their trust." She explained, "I must warn you, however, even with our titles as Paladins of Voltron, it makes no difference to them. All of you are strangers and if they deem it so, you will be considered a threat towards the organization."

What Novae said almost scared everyone, but it made Allura all the more suspicious about the Blades of Marmora.

"So... what did you do to gain their trust?" Pidge asked.

Novae's shoulders shuddered slightly, as if she was shaking in the fear from her memories.

"I had to see things that I had never imagined, and take in information that was unknown to me." She answered, "I would rather not speak of it. So please, let us focus on getting the Blades, alright?"

Everyone heard the pain in her voice and saw the way her body shook when talking. They dropped the subject, but they still couldn't help but be curious about what she was talking about. Though, they didn't say anything else after that.

"The base is in range." Coran announced, bringing their attention back to the front.

"Take us in slowly." Shiro ordered.

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