The Red Paladin

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The Paladins, Allura and Coran sat in the lounge, thinking about who would take the Black Lion as their own. But it would not be an easy feat, for who could ever replace a Paladin such as Shiro?

"I wish Shiro were here to tell us how to go on without them." Lance depressingly said.

Pidge sighed and turned towards Allura, "Allura, when we came here, you told me that I would fly the Green Lion, and I thought there was no way. But then I found it and I flew it. And then, Hunk flew the Yellow Lion, and he's not even a pilot. In fact, you told everyone who would fly which lion."

"Yeah, how did you do that? Did we ever find out how you did that? Can you do that now?" Hunk asked, nervous and freaking out.

"Sadly, no." Allura replied, "When you arrived at the castle, I immediately recognized the special qualities in each of you. But I don't know how to search the entire universe for a new Paladin."

Coran turned towards Keith, "Keith, you piloted the Black Lion when you had to save Shiro. Perhaps you're the one." Keith looked away and down towards his feet.

"Keith would be the worst leader of Voltron." Lance voiced his thoughts aloud.

"Yeah we all have our thing. Keith's the loner. I'm the brain. Hunk's the nice one. Allura's the decision maker. Coran's the wise old guy. Novae's the kind of mom/sister figure. And Lance is the goofball." Pidge said as she pointed and described everyone.

"Mm-hmm. Yeah, exactly. Totally right-- Wait a minute." Lance exclaimed annoyed by his title, "I'm not a goofball! I'm like the cool ninja sharpshooter."

"Are you joking?" Keith scoffed, Novae placed a hand on his shoulder to keep him from saying anything more offensive.

"I'm being completely serious when I say, I do not want you to lead me anywhere." Lance shouted abruptly jumping out of his seat.

"I don't want to be the leader! That's just what Shiro wanted!" Keith quickly realized what he said and turned away from the group again.

"What are you talking about?" Hunk asked, surprised like everyone else about what he had said.

"Nothing." Keith quickly answered.

"Shiro wanted you to be his successor, didn't he?" Pidge asked.

Novae sighed, stepping forward to speak, "I believe Takashi was speaking the truth about this decision."

"Are you serious, Novae?" Lance exclaimed, "Keith is the kind of person that would lead us into disaster if he was the leader."

She shook her head, "No, I do not believe that would happen." Novae answered confidently.

"Novae does make a good point." Allura said, "In the past, I chose Shiro because he was ideal leader, however, I believe that Keith would do well in the Black Lion."

"Well, I didn't hear Shiro say that Keith was his successor, and how convenient that you're bringing it up now, when Shiro is gone." Lance said, annoyed by the fact that Shiro made the decision.

"You want the job so badly, you can have it." Keith shouted standing straight off the wall.

"Now, now, hand on. I've called being the head since the very beginning." Hunk claimed.

"What about me? I'm the one who picked up the radio waves that lead us to Voltron in the first place." Pidge interjected.

"Hold your gazurgas, everyone!" Coran silenced the group, "It's not our decision to make. We must let the lion decide."

"Coran is right." Allura agreed, "We must all present ourselves to the Black Lion to see who will bear this glorious burden."

"What? You, Princess?" Coran asked.

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