Stranded Across the Universe

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The terrified screams of the Paladins echoed in their lions as they were thrown off into different directions through the walls of the wormhole. However, at least a couple of the lions were able to land in the same places.

The Black, Red and Gold Lions were thrown through the temporal rift together. As the wormhole opened on the other side, the three lions and their paladins found themselves hurtling towards the surface of a barren planet covered in nothing bust dust and rocks. 

As Shiro fell from the sky, he kept a hand on the ever growing wound on his side and keeping an eye on the Gold Lion that was falling near his. Finally, the two landed near each other, crashing into the ground with a hard and loud smash. The crash caused Shiro to lose consciousness for a good amount of time, but as he struggled to regain his senses, he could see that the Black Lion was out of commission.

With what he had, he pinpointed the Red Lion's location near his, and from where his lion sat, he could clearly see the Gold Lion lying powerless nearby. He slowly stood up in his cockpit and used the emergency hatch at the top of the head to escape his Lion.

"Keith, are you there? Keith?" He called out as he held his bleeding side, "Novae, if you're there, answer. Give some indication that you're all right."

But there was nothing except silence from the Gold Paladin, making the leader worry even more than before they were separated. Shiro knew that she was weak, too weak to even walk let alone fight with the Gold Lion. And yet she did it, all to protect them. 

Thinking about the situation, Shiro thought it would be better if he found Novae before contacting Keith again, just in case they needed more help than before. Through his pain, he trudged over the hill to look from higher ground to look for the Gold Lion. As soon as he got to the top of the hill, he saw the Gold Lion lying lifelessly on the other side.

With all the strength he could gather within him, he slid down the hill and towards the Gold Lion, climbing to the top of its head and opening the hatch.

"Novae!" He shouted, "Novae, answer me! Novae!"

Shiro jumped into the Lion and made his way to the cockpit, but as he landed on the floor, he heard a small splashing sound. It was too dark to see what had splashed, but from the strong smell of iron, he could tell that it was blood.

Shiro rushed to the cockpit even faster than before, not caring about the pain in his side anymore. He forced the door to the cockpit open and saw a hand on the floor.

"Novae!" He shouted, rushing to her side. He carefully picked her off the floor and flipped her over. What he saw was terrifying. Her entire front was red, the once black suit was now drenched in red blood, and even her face had large splashes of blood on it along with the multiple bruises.

"Novae, wake up. Please wake up!" He begged, feeling for the pulse that was barely there. he sighed in relief of a pulse, thought it was weak, it felt as if it was slowly getting stronger.

Suddenly, there a groan from his arms. Shiro dragged his eyes from her front to her face, becoming elated when he saw Novae's eyes begin to open.

"Ta....kas....shi...?" She asked quietly and Shiro nodded.

"I'm here. You're gonna be okay." Shiro assured, "We just need to patch up these wounds."

Novae nodded and and weakly pointed to a small compartment near the pilot seat.

"First..... aid..." She said as she pointed. Shiro nodded and gently laid her back on the floor before rushing to the compartment she pointed to. He opened it and found a large first aid kit with everything he needed to patch Novae up well enough for her to survive until they got back to the Castle.

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