The Way Forward

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Orasis groaned as he opened his eyes only to see that he was in a cell lit up with a purple and red glow.

"Big brother, you okay?" He heard Aromme ask. He looked up and saw his twin sister looking at him with concern.

He nodded and sat back up, "I'm fine, Aromme." Orasis tried to move his hands, but he quickly found that they were cuffed behind his back.

"Whoever did this is so quiznaking dead." Orasis growled, "What the heck happened to us?"

"A Galra ship ambushed us and after we were knocked out cold they brought us onto the ship and locked us up." Keith explained.

"Great, now I know how Vae felt whenever she was captured." Orasis muttered.

They sat in silence for a while, but nothing really happened, not even a guard came around to the cell. The only slightly interesting thing that happened was when Lance began sliding along the walls.

"What are you doing?" Hunk asked.

"I'm feeling for a secret passage." He answered.

"You've watched too many movies, Lance. There's no secret passage." Keith said.

"Oh, really? Then how do you explain this?" Lance kicked the wall near the door, which resulted in an audible crack and him whimpering in pain.

"I meant, uh, this!" He kicked the opposite wall and ended up with the same results as before.

"Will someone shut him up?" Krolia asked from the front of the room, looking through the slot in the door.

"I would be glad to help with that request." Orasis happily agreed to help.

"Orasis..." Aromme growled and glared at her brother. The glare on his sister's face made him shut up right away.

"There's only one guard patrolling out there." Krolia said looking out the slot in the door, "If we can get this door open, we can overpower him."

Hunk looked around and noticed one person missing from their group.

"What happened to Coran?" He asked.

Everyone looked around as well, seeing no sign of Coran being in the room with them.

"He must have managed to hide when we were captured." Krolia said.

"At least we have one ally out there still able to fight for us." Allura said with hope and relief.

"Are you saying our fate rests in Coran's hands?" Pidge asked.

Everyone went silent and slumped down with expressions that said 'we're doomed.'

"I will help you look for that passage." Pidge said to Lance, then looked over at Aromme, "Say, Aromme, couldn't you use your powers to calm Lance down a little bit?"

"I wish I could, but my powers are best used when I'm calm and not so stressed. And right now, I'm not exactly in the best shape of mind." Aromme said sadly, "But perhaps my brother may be able to help. His powers are best for seeing what's happening outside this cell."

"What are you talking about?" Hunk asked.

Orasis sighed, "Yeah, I have the ability to see the different energy signatures, even through walls."

"And you didn't think to tell us that earlier?" Lance asked, slightly annoyed by the late information.

"You never asked and the topic never came up. Besides, we had more important things to worry about, such as getting to Estellia." Orasis said.

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