Code of Honor

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A couple months had passed since Voltron's last encounter with Lotor and his generals, and still, no sign of their movements whatsoever. While the Paladins didn't have the knowledge about Lotor to track him down, nor the information about what he planned to do with the new ship made from the ore.

Novae was using whatever knowledge about Lotor she had and any connections she had made with other alien races and rebel factions to find him, but with no such luck. It grew heavy on her everyday they couldn't find him, the worry and fear that he may attack her friends or anyone else in the rebellion that was close to her.

After all, he was the only one in the universe besides his father who knew what and who she was. At least, the only one alive who knew her secret.

She sat in front of several computer screens in her room, the faces of rebellion faction leaders appearing on them. They had found only a few pieces of important information in some of the most unusual places. The Galra truly did throw away such important information, especially when they don't think that rebels had already infiltrated their bases.

"Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me today. I understand that you are buy preparing for your own battles ahead." Novae said smiling at the rebel leaders, who simply smiled back.

"Nonsense, Blue Star. We will always make time to speak to you. Especially if it means finding clues about a common threat to the universe." One of the leaders said.

"Thank you for your cooperation." Novae thanked again, "I understand that some of you have picked up interesting feedback from Galra radio chatter. Have you been able to decipher any of the chatter?"

They all shook their heads, "No, unfortunately Blue Star, we are not skilled enough to decode this level of frequencies." An Olkari said. The others replied the same way.

Novae sighed, "I see. Well then, send over all the chatter that you have collected and I will see if the Green Paladin will be able to decipher it. She is incredible with technology and I have full faith that she will decode the messages."

"That is brilliant. I speak for all of the rebellion that we place our whole trust in you, Blue Star."

Novae smiled and they all signed off, leaving the Gold Paladin to think as the chatter was being sent over through her computers.

"You should not place all of your thoughts on Lotor, Young Star." The Gold Lion said.

"I know, Zaurelia, but how can I not worry? Lotor knows who and what I am, and with that information he has immense leverage against me."

"Then perhaps you would not feel so terrified if you told the others--"

"You know as well as I do what happened the last time I told a friend about who and what I am."

"Do not continue to blame yourself for what happened to Namine. She would not want you to suffer over that. Besides, the Paladins are strong and know how to protect themselves. They trust you with their lives. Do you truly not trust them enough to believe that they would treat you any differently than they do know simply because of your origin?"

Novae thought for a moment, ignoring the information that had just finished being downloaded into her computer. Perhaps it would be better if they heard the information from her rather than from another source. But not at that moment. She needed to know more about Lotor and his plans, then maybe Novae would be able to speak freely about who she was.

"Novae!" Shiro's voice shouted, breaking her from her thoughts. Her door opened and revealed Shiro in her doorway.

"Takashi, is something the matter?" She asked.

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